The Dreaming TreeA story from Brazil (from the Karajae and Apinaye peo Tradução - The Dreaming TreeA story from Brazil (from the Karajae and Apinaye peo Esloveno como dizer

The Dreaming TreeA story from Brazi

The Dreaming Tree

A story from Brazil (from the Karajae and Apinaye peoples of the central and northern Amazonian plateau)As Retold by Elizabeth Murray.
There was once a boy named Uaica and because he was small and sickly, the other boys in his tribe picked on him and teased him. He had a grandfather who tried to protect him but when his grandfather wasn’t there, Uaica would go alone into the rainforest.
One day as he was walking in the jungle and looking up into the beautiful canopy of leaves, orchards, monkeys and birds, he stumbled over something. When he looked down, he was surprised to see a tapir which seemed to be… asleep. And right next to it was a sloth, also asleep. […]
This was very strange, very strange.
Very carefully Uiaca stepped over and around the sleeping animals to look more closely at the tree. But as he did this, he suddenly felt so veerrry drowsy. […]
He dreamed of animals, some familiar, other strange. He dreamed also of people. Some were family and friends. Others, strangers. They were sitting together singing. And then, in his dream, an old man got up and came to him.
“I am Sina-a, child of Jaguar,” he said. And the boy knew about this Jaguar Man, who, among his people, was said to be a great teacher. And when Sina-a began telling his stories, the boy listened. […]
The next day he took his grandfather into the forest, to the place of the great tree. “There grandfather. Walk under that tree and there your journey will begin." […]
When they returned to the village, they heard that a boy named Xibute had fallen ill. Uaica knew this Xibute well for he had been one of his cruelest bullies. No cure could be found for the ailing boy and it appeared that he would die. But since his time with Jaguar Man, Uaica had learned the gift of healing. And when he laid his hands on Xibute, the sick boy, was cured.

People in the village could not believe that the scrawny boy, Uaica, could have any powers at all. But after that, sick people began seeking him out. And again and again Uaica healed their ailments.

Then, one night while sleeping, Jaguar Man appeared to the boy in a dream. He said, “You have passed the great tests. You stayed away from the dreaming tree, as I told you to. And then you showed kindness toward your enemy. Now I will teach you more powers so that you may care for your people as I once did.”
There are many stories among the Jurana people about the great shaman, Uaica, the one with the eyes in the back of his head. And it is said by some that even to this day, he dreams inside that rock where he learns the stories and healing wisdom from Jaguar Man. And sometimes he sends these teachings back to those with loving hearts. And we, too, can receive his wisdom in our dreams if we have loving hearts and ask to receive the ancient healing wisdom to use for good.
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Resultados (Esloveno) 1: [Cópia de]
The Dreaming TreeA story from Brazil (from the Karajae and Apinaye peoples of the central and northern Amazonian plateau)As Retold by Elizabeth Murray.There was once a boy named Uaica and because he was small and sickly, the other boys in his tribe picked on him and teased him. He had a grandfather who tried to protect him but when his grandfather wasn’t there, Uaica would go alone into the rainforest.[…]One day as he was walking in the jungle and looking up into the beautiful canopy of leaves, orchards, monkeys and birds, he stumbled over something. When he looked down, he was surprised to see a tapir which seemed to be… asleep. And right next to it was a sloth, also asleep. […]This was very strange, very strange.Very carefully Uiaca stepped over and around the sleeping animals to look more closely at the tree. But as he did this, he suddenly felt so veerrry drowsy. […]He dreamed of animals, some familiar, other strange. He dreamed also of people. Some were family and friends. Others, strangers. They were sitting together singing. And then, in his dream, an old man got up and came to him.“I am Sina-a, child of Jaguar,” he said. And the boy knew about this Jaguar Man, who, among his people, was said to be a great teacher. And when Sina-a began telling his stories, the boy listened. […]The next day he took his grandfather into the forest, to the place of the great tree. “There grandfather. Walk under that tree and there your journey will begin." […]When they returned to the village, they heard that a boy named Xibute had fallen ill. Uaica knew this Xibute well for he had been one of his cruelest bullies. No cure could be found for the ailing boy and it appeared that he would die. But since his time with Jaguar Man, Uaica had learned the gift of healing. And when he laid his hands on Xibute, the sick boy, was cured.People in the village could not believe that the scrawny boy, Uaica, could have any powers at all. But after that, sick people began seeking him out. And again and again Uaica healed their ailments.Then, one night while sleeping, Jaguar Man appeared to the boy in a dream. He said, “You have passed the great tests. You stayed away from the dreaming tree, as I told you to. And then you showed kindness toward your enemy. Now I will teach you more powers so that you may care for your people as I once did.”[…]There are many stories among the Jurana people about the great shaman, Uaica, the one with the eyes in the back of his head. And it is said by some that even to this day, he dreams inside that rock where he learns the stories and healing wisdom from Jaguar Man. And sometimes he sends these teachings back to those with loving hearts. And we, too, can receive his wisdom in our dreams if we have loving hearts and ask to receive the ancient healing wisdom to use for good.
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Resultados (Esloveno) 2:[Cópia de]
Dreaming Tree

Zgodba iz Brazilije (od ljudstev Karajae in Apinaye v osrednji in severni del amazonske platoja) Kot retold Elizabeth Murray.
Tam je bil nekoč deček z imenom Uaica in ker je bil majhen in bolehen, drugi fantje v svojem plemenu izbral na njem in ga dražil. Imel je ded, ki je poskušal, da bi ga zaščitili, vendar, ko je njegov dedek ni bil tam, bi Uaica šel sam v deževnem gozdu.
Nekega dne, ko je hodil v džungli in gledal v lepi krošnjami listov, sadovnjaki, opice in ptice, se je spotaknil čez nekaj. Ko je pogledal v tla, je bil presenečen, da je tapir ki se je zdelo, da je ... spal. In zraven njega je lenivec, tudi spi. [...]
To je bilo zelo čudno, zelo čudno.
Zelo previdno Uiaca stopil pred in po spalnih živali za tesnejše pogled na drevo. Toda, kot je to storil, se je nenadoma počutila tako veerrry zaspani. [...]
Sanjal je o živalih, nekateri poznajo, drugi čudno. Sanjal je tudi ljudi. Nekateri so bili družina in prijatelji. Drugo, tujci. Sedeli so skupaj petje. In potem, v svoje sanje, starec vstal in prišel k njim.
"Sem Sina-a, otrok Jaguar," je dejal. In fant vedel o tem Jaguar Man, ki je med svojimi ljudmi, je dejal, da je velik učitelj. In ko Sina-a začel pripoveduje svoje zgodbe, fant poslušal. [...]
Naslednji dan je vzel dedka v gozd, na kraj velikega drevesa. "Tam dedek. Sprehodite se pod tem drevesom in da vaše potovanje se bo začelo. "[...]
Ko so se vrnili v vas, so slišali, da je fant z imenom Xibute zboleli. Uaica poznal ta Xibute dobro je bil eden od njegovih cruelest nasilneži. Ne pozdravi mogoče najti v težavah fanta in se je zdelo, da bi umrl. Ampak, ker svojega časa z Jaguar Man, je Uaica naučil dar zdravljenja. in ko je položil roke na Xibute, bolnega dečka, je bila utrjena.

Ljudje v vas ni mogel verjeti, da bi Vitek fant, Uaica, kakšne pristojnosti na vse. Toda po tem, bolni ljudje začeli iščejo ga ven. in spet in spet Uaica ozdravljena svoje bolezni.

Nato eno noč med spanjem, Jaguar človek pojavil na fant v sanjah. rekel je: "ste opravili veliko testov. ostal si od sanje drevesa, kot sem ti rekel, da. In potem se je izkazal milost proti tvoj sovražnik. Sedaj pa vas bodo naučili več pristojnosti, tako da lahko skrb za ljudi, kot sem nekoč. "
Obstaja veliko zgodb med ljudmi Jurana o veliki šaman, Uaica, eno z očmi v zadnjem delu glave. In je dejal, nekateri, ki še do danes, je sanje znotraj te skale, kjer se uči zgodbe in zdravilno modrost iz Jaguar Man. In včasih je pošlje te nauke nazaj na tiste, ki imajo ljubeče srce. In smo tudi lahko prejmejo modrost v svoje sanje, če imamo ljubeče srce in prosi za sprejem starodavno zdravilno modrost, da se uporabi za dobro.
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Resultados (Esloveno) 3:[Cópia de]
sanjah drevo.zgodba iz brazilije (od karajae in apinaye ljudstva v srednji in severni amazonskega plato), kot je še pripovedovana s   elizabeth murray.nekoč je bil fant po imenu uaica in zato, ker je bil majhen in slaboten, drugi fantje v plemenu so ga in ga dražili.imel je dedka, ki je hotel, da ga zaščitim, vendar, ko je njegov ded ni bil tam, uaica bi šel sam v deževnem gozdu.[...]nekega dne, ko je hodil v džungli in gledal gor v čudoviti baldahin listov, sadovnjaki, opice in ptice, je naletel na nekaj.ko je pogledala, je bil presenečen, da je videl tapir, ki je bilo... zraven je len, tudi spala.[...]to je zelo čudno, zelo čudno.zelo previdno uiaca stopil v in okoli speče živali podrobneje v drevo.ampak, kot je to storil, je nenadoma počutila tako veerrry zaspanosti.[...]sanjal je o živalih, malo znano, druge čudne.sanjal je tudi za ljudi.nekateri so bili družina in prijatelji.drugi, tujci.sedela sta skupaj potem, v njegovih sanjah, starec vstal in prišel do njega."jaz sem sina-a, otrok jaguar," je fant je vedel za jaguar, človek, ki je med svojim ljudem, naj bi bila odlična uč ko se je sina-a pripoveduje zgodbe, fant, poslušal.[...]naslednji dan mi je vzel njegov ded v gozd, kjer veliko drevo."dedek.hodi v tisto drevo tam tvoje potovanje se bo začelo. [...]ko so se vrnili v vasi, so slišali, da je fant po imenu xibute je zbolel.- to xibute uaica je vedel, da je bil eden od njegovih podlo nasilnež zdravila, bi lahko našel za bolnega fanta in izkazalo se je, da bo umrl.toda od časa z jaguarjem je izvedela, uaica dar za, ko je položil svoje roke na xibute, sick boy je bil ozdravljen.ljudje ne verjamejo, da je koščen fant, uaica, bi lahko imel moči, vse je v redu.ampak po tem, bolni ljudje začeli iskati ga spet in spet in spet in spet uaica ozdravljena njihove bolezni.nekega večera, ko se je pojavil človek spi, jaguar, da fant v rekel, da je minilo veliko ostal stran od sanjam drevo, kot sem ti potem si bil prijazen do svojega sovražnika.zdaj vas bom naučil več pristojnosti, tako da lahko skrbi za ljudi, kot sem jaz.[...]veliko zgodb, med jurana ljudi, o veliki šaman, uaica, z oči na je rekel, da jih je nekaj, da tudi ta dan je sanje v kamen, kjer se nauči zgodbe in zdravljenje modrost iz učenje in včasih poslal nazaj v ljubeče tudi mi lahko prejmejo njegovo modrost v naših sanjah, če smo ljubeča srca in prosil, da prejmejo starodavno modrost, da se uporablja za zdravljenje.
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