cst indica que no sale un engranajese indica que debemos realizar copi Tradução - cst indica que no sale un engranajese indica que debemos realizar copi Inglês como dizer

cst indica que no sale un engranaje

cst indica que no sale un engranaje

se indica que debemos realizar copia de seguridad y restaurar modo dfu con iTunes

en caso de continuar la falla llevar el tlf a punto de venta por estar en 2do año de garantía

es probable que el cst llame para solicitar un POC pero por ser comprado de segunda mano llamara a su amigo para saber nombre del propietario
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Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST indicates that does not leave a gearindicates that we must backup and restore with iTunes dfu modein case of continuing failure bring tlf to sale in 2nd year warrantyIt is likely that cst please call to request a POC but for being bought from second hand to call his friend to find out the owner's name
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst indicates that there comes a gear

indicates that we must perform backup and restore DFU mode with iTunes

if continued failure bring tlf to point of sale to be in 2nd year warranty

is likely to cst call to request a POC but be bought secondhand call his friend to know owner's name
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
CST indicates that it leaves a GearIt indicates that we must perform Backup and Restore with iTunes DFU modeIn case of continued failure to bring the tlf to point of sale to be in the 2nd Year of guaranteeIt is likely that the CST for a poc CALL REQUEST but be bought second hand to call his friend to know the name of the owner
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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