O preconceito racial pode ser usado para medir o nível de indiferença  Tradução - O preconceito racial pode ser usado para medir o nível de indiferença  Inglês como dizer

O preconceito racial pode ser usado

O preconceito racial pode ser usado para medir o nível de indiferença e desprezo de um ser humano em relação a outro.
Wagner Silva
Não faça apologia a cor da sua pele...
Preconceito, intolerância racial e social; profunda estupidez!
Ao final seremos apenas ossos. Pense nisso...
Ed Barbosa II
O preconceito racial pode ser usado para medir o nível de indiferença e desprezo de um ser humano em relação a outro.
Wagner Silva
Só há Uma Maneira De Lutar Contra A Discriminação Racial: Negros Vivendo Unidos Contra a Discriminação.
Negros Vaidosos
É chegada a hora de tirar nossa nação das trevas da injustiça racial.
Zumbi dos Palmares
O Brasil é a mais avançada democracia racial do mundo.
Gilberto Freyre
Ser Humano, é SER de dentro pra fora. Do contrário...é ESTAR simplesmente criatura.
Adriano Carlos Pinto
Enquanto a cor da pele for mais importante que o brilho dos olhos, haverá guerra.
Haile Selassie
Nossas cores são diversas, mas nossos sonhos são os mesmos.
Luciano Skorianez
Tire o seu racismo do caminho, que eu quero passar com a minha cor.
Georges Najjar Jr
O racismo é a prova o quanto ainda somos primitivos.
Cesar Jihad (Vulto Madhiba)
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
The racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being in relation to another.Wagner Silva Do not condoning the color of their skin.Prejudice, racial and social intolerance; profound stupidity! At the end we will be only bones. Think about it ...Ed Barbosa IIThe racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being in relation to another.Wagner SilvaThere's only one way to Combat Racial Discrimination: Blacks Living United against discrimination.Blacks VainIt is time to take our nation from the darkness of racial injustice.Zumbi dos PalmaresThe Brazil is the most advanced racial democracy in the world.Gilberto FreyreTo be human is to be from the inside out. Otherwise ... it's BE just creature.Adriano Carlos PintoWhile skin color is more important than the brightness of eyes, there will be a war.Haile SelassieOur colors are different, but our dreams are the same.Luciano SkorianezTake your racist the way I want to spend with my color.Georges Najjar JrRacism is the proof how much we are still primitive.Cesar Jihad (Madhiba Shade)
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being over another.
Wagner Silva
Do not condoning the color of your skin ...
Prejudice, social and racial intolerance; deep stupidity!
At the end we will be only bones. Think about it ...
Ed Barbosa II
Racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being over another.
Wagner Silva
There is only One Way Fight Against Racial Discrimination: Black Living United Against Discrimination.
Conceited black
is the time to take our nation from the darkness of racial injustice.
Brazil is the most advanced in the world racial democracy.
Gilberto Freyre
Human Being, is BE from the inside out. Otherwise ... it's just BEING creature.
Adriano Carlos Pinto
While skin color is more important than the brightness of the eyes, there will be war.
Haile Selassie
Our colors are different, but our dreams are the same.
Luciano Skorianez
Take your racism the way, I want to spend with my color.
Georges Najjar Jr
Racism is the proof how much we are still primitive.
Cesar Jihad (Vulto Madhiba)
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
The racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being for another.Wagner SilvaDon 't make apology for the color of their skin.Prejudice, intolerance, racial and social; deep stupidity!At the end we just bones. Think about it...Ed Barbosa IIThe racial prejudice can be used to measure the level of indifference and contempt of a human being for another.Wagner SilvaThere 's only one way to combat racial discrimination, blacks living United States against discrimination.Black vainIt 's time to take our nation from the darkness of racial injustice.Zumbi DOS palmaresBrazil is the most advanced Racial Democracy in the world.Gilberto freyreHuman being is to be inside out. Otherwise... But it is simply a creature.Adriano Carlos PintoWhile the color of skin is more important than the sparkle in the eyes, there will be a war.Haile SelassieOur colors are different, but our dreams are the same.Luciano skorianezGet your racism of the way, I want to spend it with my heart.Georges Najjar Jr.Racism is proof of how much we are still primitive.Cesar Jihad (Figure madhiba)
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