Você diz que gosta de segurança e cautela, certo? Então, vamos fazer o seguinte: eu compartilho uma pasta do Dropbox com você e, você posta lá, ok? E ao mesmo tempo, eu te envio um link para você baixar algumas minhas.
You say that like security and caution, right? So, here's the deal: I share a Dropbox folder with you and you post there, ok? And at the same time, I'm sending you a link for you to download some of mine.
You say you like safety and caution, right? So let's do the following: I share a folder on Dropbox with you and you put there, okay? At the same time, I am sending you a link for you to download some of my.
You say you like safety and caution, right? Then, we do the following: I share a folder to Dropbox with you, and you put in there, okay? And at the same time, I send you a link for you to download some of my own.