cst indica que le han robado el tlfno ha sido posible ayudarla a activ Tradução - cst indica que le han robado el tlfno ha sido posible ayudarla a activ Inglês como dizer

cst indica que le han robado el tlf

cst indica que le han robado el tlf

no ha sido posible ayudarla a activar fmi por tener el appleid sin verificar

se le indica al cst que nos debe llamar mañana por tener el appleid bloqueado por 8 horas por tantos intentos de verificación con las preguntas de seguridad

se le explica que le mandaremos un nuevo correo de verificación para poder finalizar la activacion de su appleid y poder ingresar en iCloud y desactivar FMI

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST indicates that the phone has been stolenIt has not been possible to help enable IMF to have the appleid unverifiedtells the cst that must call us tomorrow for having the appleid blocked for 8 hours by so many attempts to check with the security questionsIt explains that we'll send a new verification email in order to finish the activation of your appleid to enter in iCloud and disable IMF
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst indicates that you have stolen tlf

has not been possible help to enable IMF to have the AppleID without verifying

it signals the cst we should call tomorrow have the AppleID blocked for 8 hours so many attempts to check with security questions

he explains that he will send a new verification email to finish activating your AppleID and able to join IMF and disable iCloud

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
CST indicates that you have stolen the TLFIt has not been possible to activate the IMF for help without verifying AppleIDIt indicates that the CST should call us Tomorrow for AppleID blocked by 8 hours for many attempts with the questions of Security, verificationHe explains that he will send a verification email to complete the Activation of your AppleID and Disable iCloud and IMF to enter
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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