- cst queria saber que garantia poderia tener un iPhone - cst no tiene el imei porque aun no lo ha comprado - se le envio https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/ - cst volvera a llamar si tiene alguna duda
-cst wanted to know that warranty may have an iPhone-cst has no imei because you have not yet purchased it-are you shipping https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/-cst will return to call if have any doubt
- Cst wanted to know what guarantee poderia have an iPhone - cst not have the imei because you have not purchased - was sent https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/ - cst redialed if you have questions
- CST wanted to know who could guarantee to have a iPhone- the CST has no IMEI because it hasn"t bought- you sent checkcoverage.apple.com https: / / / /- CST will call if you have any questions