17/11/2015 – SERIA POR BELZEBU? Mas os fariseus, ouvindo isso, diziam: Este não expulsa os demônios senão por Belzebu, príncipe dos demônios.(Mateus 12.24)
11/17/2015 – WOULD BE by BEELZEBUB?But the Pharisees, hearing this, said, This does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, Prince of demons. (Matthew 12.24)
11/17/2015 - WOULD BE IN Beelzebub? But when the Pharisees heard it, said, This does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of demons (Matthew 12:24).
17 / 11 / 2015 would be by Beelzebub? but when the Pharisees heard this, said, this man casts out demons, but by Beelzebub, the prince of demons. (Matthew 12.24)