Hello!First, I would like to know why the backyard for pufffles was no Tradução - Hello!First, I would like to know why the backyard for pufffles was no Português como dizer

Hello!First, I would like to know w

First, I would like to know why the backyard for pufffles was not completely planned, have been ready with tools of edits of items to put there, neither in the igloo, which has catalogs, and how to decorate!?!
I'd love to suggest that the Club Penguin came to bring add tools to the yard of the Pufffles, to allow us penguins of decorate, put toys, food etc, into the living room and the puffles. It would be so much fun that we could take a fixer-upper in the yard and add some needed items for the Puffles have fun too!
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
Hello!First, I would like to know why the backyard for pufffles was not completely planned, have been ready with tools of edits of items to put there, neither in the igloo, which has catalogs, and how to decorate!?!I'd love to suggest that the Club Penguin came to bring add tools to the yard of the Pufffles, to allow us penguins of decorate, put toys, food etc, into the living room and the puffles. It would be so much fun that we could take a fixer-upper in the yard and add some needed items for the Puffles have fun too!
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Português) 2:[Cópia de]
Em primeiro lugar, eu gostaria de saber por que o quintal para pufffles não foi totalmente planejado, ter sido preparado com ferramentas de edição de itens para colocar ali, nem no iglu, que tem catálogos, e como decorar!?!
I ' d amor para sugerir que o Club Penguin veio trazer adicionar ferramentas para o quintal da Pufffles, para permitir-nos pinguins de decorar, coloque brinquedos, alimentos etc, para a sala e os puffles. Seria tão divertido que poderíamos tomar um fixador superior no quintal e adicionar alguns itens necessários para os Puffles se divertir muito!
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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