se intento reinstalar el sistema operativo snow leopardcts habla habla Tradução - se intento reinstalar el sistema operativo snow leopardcts habla habla Inglês como dizer

se intento reinstalar el sistema op

se intento reinstalar el sistema operativo snow leopard

cts habla hablado con un compa~ero que le indico que debía comprar el cd y que no teníamos optra

cst ha recibido el cd del software para poder descargar el Snow Leonar

se intenta leer el cd y no es posible reconocer el disco y al iniciar con la tecla alt

cst indica que si podía leer cd de musica y videos sin problemas antes de borrar el disco

se consulta T2

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
you try to reinstall the operating system snow leopardCTS speaks spoken with a compa ~ ero that I indicate that I should buy the cd and we had optraCST has received the software cd to download Snow LeonarIt tries to read the cd and cannot recognize the disk and when you start with the alt keyCST indicates if you could read cd music and videos without problems before you erase the discT2 consultation
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
will attempt to reinstall the operating system Snow Leopard

cts speech talked to a compa ~ ero who told her to buy the CD and we did not optra

cst has received the software CD to download the Snow Leonar

trying to read the CD and is not possible to recognize the disc and to start with the alt key

cst indicates that if he could read music CDs and videos without problems before erasing the disk

is consulted T2

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
You try reinstalling the operating system, Snow LeopardCTS is spoken with a compa ero ~ You said that I should buy the CD and had no one elseTSA has received a CD of the software to download the snow LeonardIt tries to read the CD and it is not possible to recognize the disk and to start with the Alt keyCST suggests that if he could read music CDs and videos without any problems before you delete albumConsultation T2
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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