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school newspaper content ideas ...w

school newspaper content ideas ...what to include in your schools publication

sep 11, 2007 Kelly Whitt

a school newspaper needs to report the facts but it also needs to be exciting and entertaining. here are some great ideas on content choices for your publication.
NEWS- this is the obvius. What is going on around school? Are there new construction projects or
5 rules? What big events are happening in the different grades?
Features- What human interest stories would appeal to the class body? they can be school-related
but they can also be general stories that simply are important to students.
Sports- Report the scores and stories. Don't try to give a play by play, just relate the highlights and mention the names of those who made the outstanding plays.p
Editorial- Have the newspaper's editor write about wwhatever is being talked about in school the
most that week. Don't be afraid to give opinions but be clear that is strictly one person's viewpoint.
Reviews- What is the hit new movie, TV, or best-selling book what does the reporting student think about it? [...]
Polls- From "What do you plan to do after graduation?" to "What is the worst fooh in the cafeteria?"
Puzzle conrner- Students love to do word puzzles: either mini crosswords, word searches, or even trivia questions.
Comic Strip- Let the artist on the staff create their own cartoon. Possibly "The Life of a student" or something the kids can relate to.
Poem- Run a poem each issue- either something made up by the staff or a poem submitted by a reader.
Advice Column- Let readers ask questions (anonymously) and call upon the school counselor to help answer them. Or have a range of answers given by a counselor, a student, a teacher, and a parent.
Spotlight On- Highlight one person a week by putting their photo in the paper and giving basic info abut them, such as likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. And don't forget a quote! The person can be a student, teacher, janitor, cafeteria worker, etc.
Letters to the Editor- A good newspaper generates feedback. Print letters that come in to the staff and let other readers know What people are thinking.
Photos- Make the newspaper more personal by showing pictures of what you are discusing, shots of the athletes in action, and so forth.
Advertising- Maybe the local pizza place, movie theater, or bookstore would be interesd in advertising to help defray part of the cost of publishng your newspaper.

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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
school newspaper content ideas ...what to include in your schools publicationsep 11, 2007 Kelly Whitt a school newspaper needs to report the facts but it also needs to be exciting and entertaining. here are some great ideas on content choices for your publication.[...]NEWS- this is the obvius. What is going on around school? Are there new construction projects or5 rules? What big events are happening in the different grades?Features- What human interest stories would appeal to the class body? they can be school-relatedbut they can also be general stories that simply are important to students.Sports- Report the scores and stories. Don't try to give a play by play, just relate the highlights and mention the names of those who made the outstanding plays.pEditorial- Have the newspaper's editor write about wwhatever is being talked about in school themost that week. Don't be afraid to give opinions but be clear that is strictly one person's viewpoint.Reviews- What is the hit new movie, TV, or best-selling book what does the reporting student think about it? [...]Polls- From "What do you plan to do after graduation?" to "What is the worst fooh in the cafeteria?"Puzzle conrner- Students love to do word puzzles: either mini crosswords, word searches, or even trivia questions.Comic Strip- Let the artist on the staff create their own cartoon. Possibly "The Life of a student" or something the kids can relate to.Poem- Run a poem each issue- either something made up by the staff or a poem submitted by a reader.Advice Column- Let readers ask questions (anonymously) and call upon the school counselor to help answer them. Or have a range of answers given by a counselor, a student, a teacher, and a parent.Spotlight On- Highlight one person a week by putting their photo in the paper and giving basic info abut them, such as likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. And don't forget a quote! The person can be a student, teacher, janitor, cafeteria worker, etc.Letters to the Editor- A good newspaper generates feedback. Print letters that come in to the staff and let other readers know What people are thinking.Photos- Make the newspaper more personal by showing pictures of what you are discusing, shots of the athletes in action, and so forth.Advertising- Maybe the local pizza place, movie theater, or bookstore would be interesd in advertising to help defray part of the cost of publishng your newspaper.
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Resultados (Português) 3:[Cópia de]
Jornal Da escola conteúdos, ideias, o que incluir NAS escolas a publicaçãoSEP 11, 2007 Kelly WhittUm Jornal Da escola deve relatar OS fatos MAS também Precisa ser interessante e divertido.Aqui estão algumas idéias sobre o conteúdo de escolhas para SUA publicação.[...]Notícias - esta é obvia.O que está acontecendo Na escola?Há novos projetos de construção ou5 Regras?O que OS Grandes eventos estão acontecendo EM diferentes Graus.Características - que histórias de interesse Humano, apelo à classe Corpo?Eles podem ser relacionadas com a escolaMAS também podem ser geral histórias que Simplesmente são importantes para OS Alunos.Desporto - relatório as pontuações e histórias.Não tente Dar um Jogo por jogar, só relacionar OS destaques e mencionar OS nomes de quem Fez as peças. PEditorial - O editor do Jornal escrever sobre wwhatever está sendo falado Na escolaMais essa Semana.Não tenha meDo de opinar, MAS é Claro que UMA Pessoa é estritamente do Ponto de vista.Reviews - que é o hit novo Filme, televisão, ou livro de SUCESSO que FAZ o aluno pensar comunicação?[...]Pesquisas - "o que VAI fazer depois Da graduação?""O que é o pior fooh Na cantina?"Puzzle conrner - Alunos adoram fazer Palavras Cruzadas: mini - Palavras Cruzadas, caça Palavras, ou Mesmo trivia questions.Banda desenhada - deixa o artista sobre o Pessoal Criar seus próprios desenhos.Possivelmente "a vida de um aluno" Ou algo do género, as crianças podem se relacionar.Poema - um Poema de cadA questão Ou algo feito pelo Pessoal Ou um Poema apresentado pelo leitor.A coluna de conselhos - deixa OS leitores perguntam (anonimamente) e a conselheira Da escola, para ajudar a responder - lhes.Ou ter UMA Gama de respostas dadas por um Conselheiro, um estudante, um Professor e um Pai.Spotlight on - destacar UMA Pessoa UMA Semana colocando SUA foto no Jornal e Dar informações básicas sobre eles, Como gostos, hobbies, etc. E não esqueça a frase!A Pessoa Pode ser um estudante, Professor, auxiliar, cantina, etc.Cartas Ao editor - um BOM Jornal Gera feedback.Imprimir cartas que entram para o Pessoal e deixar OS outros leitores sabem o que estão a pensar.Fotos - O Jornal Mais Pessoal, mostrando fotos do que você está discusing, fotos DOS atletas EM ação, e assim por diante.Publicidade - talvez o local, pizzaria, cinema, ou livraria seria interesd Na publicidade, para ajudar a cobrir parte DOS custos de publishng SEU Jornal.
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