cst indica que desde que conecto su macbook pro de mediados del 2011 con seguridad no estaba en os capitán al Apple TV desde ese momento el iPad en 9.3.2 dejo de trabajar con el Apple TV
se reinicia el appletv y funciona con éxito el iPad
CST indicates since I connect your macbook pro mid-2011 with security was not at you captain to the Apple TVSince that time the iPad in 9.3.2 stop working with Apple TVrestarts the appletv and works with the iPad success
cst indicates that since connect your macbook pro mid 2011 certainly was not on the Apple TV will captain from that moment the iPad in 9.3.2 I stop working with Apple TV
AppleTV reboots and successfully operates the iPad
CST suggests that Connect your MacBook Pro since mid-2011 with Security Captain was not in the Apple TV osSince that time the iPad in 9.3.2 stopped working with the Apple TVResets the AppleTV and successfully Run The iPad