Preparing for an exchange. What should I do once I am accepted into th Tradução - Preparing for an exchange. What should I do once I am accepted into th Português como dizer

Preparing for an exchange. What sho

Preparing for an exchange.
What should I do once I am accepted into the program?
The following list includes several important steps that students should take
when they learn that they have been selected for the program.
• Passport: Students should apply for a passport as soon as they are
accepted into the program, as the process may take several weeks.
• Student visa and guarantee form: Students may be required to
complete a visa application and, as part of the formalYouth Exchange
application, will be required to complete a guarantee form. Rotarians
will facilitate this process.
• Airline tickets: Students should check with their sending district to
determine how and when to make travel arrangements and what type
of airline ticket they should purchase.
• Health insurance: All students must have travel health insurance
before departure that meets the level and limits set forth by the host
district. Students should always carry a copy of their policy during their
• Immunization documentation: Most students are required to have
immunization documentation. Local health departments and consular
officials can help students determine the required or recommended
immunizations for the countries they are traveling to. Students
should check with Rotarians to determine whether additional health
documentation will be necessary in the host country.
• Dental/medical examination: Students may need to have a thorough
pre-exchange medical and dental examination.The application
includes an examination form that must be completed by a health care
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
Preparing for an exchange. What should I do once I am accepted into the program?The following list includes several important steps that students should takewhen they learn that they have been selected for the program.• Passport: Students should apply for a passport as soon as they are accepted into the program, as the process may take several weeks.• Student visa and guarantee form: Students may be required tocomplete a visa application and, as part of the formalYouth Exchangeapplication, will be required to complete a guarantee form. Rotarianswill facilitate this process.• Airline tickets: Students should check with their sending district todetermine how and when to make travel arrangements and what typeof airline ticket they should purchase.• Health insurance: All students must have travel health insurancebefore departure that meets the level and limits set forth by the hostdistrict. Students should always carry a copy of their policy during their exchange. • Immunization documentation: Most students are required to haveimmunization documentation. Local health departments and consularofficials can help students determine the required or recommendedimmunizations for the countries they are traveling to. Studentsshould check with Rotarians to determine whether additional healthdocumentation will be necessary in the host country.• Dental/medical examination: Students may need to have a thoroughpre-exchange medical and dental examination.The applicationincludes an examination form that must be completed by a health careprovider.
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Resultados (Português) 3:[Cópia de]
Preparando - se para UMA troca.O que devo fazer Quando sou aceito no programa?A seguinte lista inclui vários Passos importantes que OS Alunos devemQuando souberem que foram selecionados para o programa.• passaporte: OS Alunos deverão aplicar para um passaporte, assim Como eles sãoAceito no programa, O processo Pode demorar várias semanas.• Visto de estudante e garantir a forma: OS Alunos podem ser obrigados aCompletar um pedido de Visto e, Como parte do formalyouth trocaAplicação, terá de preencher um formulário Da garantia.OS rotarianosIrão facilitar esse processo.• passagens aéreas: OS Alunos devem conferir com o Distrito de envioDeterminar Como e quando fazer a viagem e o TipoDe Passagem que deve comprar.• Seguro de saúde: todos OS Alunos devem ter Seguro de saúde de viagemAntes Da partida, que atende o nível e OS limites estabelecidos pelo anfitriãoO Distrito.OS Alunos devem sempre levar UMA cópia Da SUA política Durante a SUATroca.• documentação de imunização: a maioria DOS estudantes são obrigados a terA imunização de documentação.Departamentos de saúde locais e consularesFuncionários Pode ajudar OS Alunos a determinar o necessário ou recomendadoVacinas para países que estão viajando.OS AlunosVerifique com OS rotarianos para determinar se a saúde suplementarA documentação será necessário no país de acolhimento.• odontologia / exame médico: OS Alunos podem ter um ProfundoPré - troca de exames médicos e dentários a pedido.Inclui um formulário que deve ser preenchido pelo exame de saúdeProvider.
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