3. Describe the English society at Chaucer’s time and the way women we Tradução - 3. Describe the English society at Chaucer’s time and the way women we Português como dizer

3. Describe the English society at

3. Describe the English society at Chaucer’s time and the way women were seen in it.

Chaucer lived in turbulent times. There were three
Kings during his life: Edward III, who became less popular among all; Richard II
He was murdered during the reign; and Henry IV.
There was a long and continuous war against France in those days, and always
a lot of disagreement between the English King and the Pope. It was the time of the "black plague", which decimated
thousands, rich and poor, religious and agnostic. Religion was quite an ally and had great
power of persuasion. Many people believed that size density was a
punishment from God, and from the perspective of poets of the time "God was deaf".
The woman is seen under religious perspectives: caste and submissive to her husband.
A time swathed in taboos and prejudices.
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
3. Describe the English society at Chaucer’s time and the way women were seen in it. Chaucer lived in turbulent times. There were threeKings during his life: Edward III, who became less popular among all; Richard IIHe was murdered during the reign; and Henry IV.There was a long and continuous war against France in those days, and alwaysa lot of disagreement between the English King and the Pope. It was the time of the "black plague", which decimatedthousands, rich and poor, religious and agnostic. Religion was quite an ally and had greatpower of persuasion. Many people believed that size density was apunishment from God, and from the perspective of poets of the time "God was deaf". The woman is seen under religious perspectives: caste and submissive to her husband. A time swathed in taboos and prejudices.
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Resultados (Português) 2:[Cópia de]
3. Descrever a sociedade Inglês no tempo de Chaucer ea forma como as mulheres eram vistas nele.

Chaucer viveu em tempos turbulentos. Havia três
Reis durante sua vida: Edward III, que se tornou menos popular entre todos; Richard II
Ele foi assassinado durante o reinado; e Henry IV.
Houve uma longa e contínua guerra contra a França, naqueles dias, e sempre
um monte de desacordo entre o Rei Inglês e ao Papa. Era a época da "peste negra", que dizimou
milhares, ricos e pobres, religiosas e agnósticas. A religião era um grande aliado e tinha grande
poder de persuasão. Muitas pessoas acreditavam que a densidade tamanho era um
castigo de Deus, e do ponto de vista dos poetas da época "Deus estava surda".
A mulher é vista sob perspectivas religiosas:. Casta e submissa ao marido
Um tempo envolta em tabus e preconceitos.
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Resultados (Português) 3:[Cópia de]
3.Descrever a Sociedade inglesa EM Chaucer do tempo e a forma Como as Mulheres foram observadas em.Chaucer viveu EM tempos turbulentos.Havia trêsReis, Durante a SUA Vida: Edward III, que se tornou Mais popular entre todos, Richard IIEle FOI assassinado Durante o Reinado; e Henry IV.Houve um Longo e contínuo, a Guerra contra a frança, naqueles DIAS, e sempreUm Monte de desacordo entre o REI inglês e o Papa.Era o tempo Da "peste Negra", que dizimouMilhares de pessoas, Pobres e Ricos, Religiosos e agnósticos.A religião era UMA Grande aliada e teve GrandeO poder de persuasão.Muitas pessoas acreditavam que era um tamanho de densidadeCastigo de Deus, e a partir Da Perspectiva DOS Poetas Da época "Deus era surdo".A mulher é Vista sob perspectivas religiosas: Casta e submissa Ao Marido.UMA época repleta de tabus e preconceitos.
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