MúsicaNo Brasil, a música é uma das mais importantes manifestações da  Tradução - MúsicaNo Brasil, a música é uma das mais importantes manifestações da  Inglês como dizer

MúsicaNo Brasil, a música é uma das


No Brasil, a música é uma das mais importantes manifestações da arte e da cultura nacional, respeitada também internacionalmente. Merece destaque, pois vai além do mundialmente famoso Carnaval. Com a distribuição dos imigrantes por todo o território cada região do País desenvolveu um ritmo próprio. O Rio de Janeiro é conhecido pela bossa-nova de Tom Jobim e Vinicius de Moraes e sambas de Noel Rosa. Pernambuco destaca-se pelo frevo e maracatu. A Bahia pelo ritmo chamado de Axé Music. O Sul do País, especificamente o Rio Grande do Sul é reconhecido pelas canções gaúchas, tocadas com violão e sanfona, instrumento também utilizado na Região Nordeste, pelos interpretes do forró, maxixe e baião, popularizados Luis Gonzaga.

Carlos Gomes, Heitor Villa Lobos, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Joaquim Calado, Carmem Miranda, Noel Rosa e Ary Barroso são apenas alguns dos incontáveis nomes e estilos que fazem parte da história da música brasileira. Os ritmos se renovam, surgem novas tendências, mas sempre com a criatividade musical característica do país.

Conheça alguns estilos musicais:


De origem afro-baiana, o ritmo descende do lundu era usado nas festas dos terreiros entre umbigadas e pernadas de capoeira. No início do século XX, foi adotado por compositores como Ernesto Nazareth, Noel Rosa, Cartola e Donga, que o retiraram da obscuridade e o legitimaram na cultura oficial.

Bossa Nova

Movimento urbano, originado no fim dos anos 50. De início era apenas uma forma diferente de cantar o samba, mas logo incorporou elementos do Jazz com um contorno baseado na voz e no piano ou violão. Entre os maiores nomes estão Nara Leão, Carlos Lyra, João Gilberto, Vinicius de Moraes e Tom Jobim.


Gênero criado a partir da mistura de elementos das danças de salão européias e da música popular portuguesa, com influências africanas. Chiquinha Gonzaga foi a primeira pianista do gênero e, em 1897, escreveu Corta-Jaca, uma das maiores contribuições ao repertório do choro. Pixinguinha, Ernesto Nazareth e Waldir Azevedo foram outros grandes nomes do choro no Brasil.


O tropicalismo une elementos da cultura pop e da cultura de elite, além de fazer uso muitas vezes de um discurso politicamente engajado e de protesto contra a ditadura militar. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Maria Bethânia, Os Mutantes são alguns de seus representantes musicais.

Jovem Guarda

Movimento que se ligava basicamente ao rock americano e inglês, mas de uma forma mais romântica. Seus maiores representantes são Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos e Wanderléa.
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MusicIn Brazil, the song is one of the most important manifestations of art and national culture, respected internationally also. Noteworthy, because it goes beyond the world-famous Carnival. With the distribution of immigrants throughout every region of the country has developed a rhythm. Rio de Janeiro is known by the bossa nova of Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes and sambas of Noel Rosa. Pernambuco stands out for frevo and maracatu. Bahia rhythm called Axé Music. The South of the country, specifically the Rio Grande do Sul is recognized by Gaucho songs, played with guitar and accordion, instrument also used in the Northeast, by interpreters of forró, maxixe and baião, popularized Luis Gonzaga.Carlos Gomes, Heitor Villa Lobos, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Joaquim Calado, Carmen Miranda, Noel Rosa and Ary Barroso are just some of the countless names and styles that are part of the history of brazilian music. The rhythms are continuously renewed, new trends, but always with the characteristic musical creativity in the country.Meet some musical styles: SambaAfro-Bahian origin, descended from the lundu was used at parties of the terraces between umbigadas and leg kicks of capoeira. In the early 20th century, was adopted by composers like Ernesto Nazareth, Noel Rosa, Cartola and Donga, who smuggled it out of obscurity and legitimized in official culture. Bossa NovaUrban movement, originated at the end of 50 years. At first it was just a different way of singing the samba, but soon incorporated elements of Jazz with an outline based on the voice and the piano or guitar. Among the biggest names are Nara Leão, Carlos Lyra, João Gilberto, Vinicius de Moraes and Antonio Carlos Jobim. CryGenus created from the mixture of elements of the European ballroom dancing and the Portuguese popular music, with African influences. Chiquinha Gonzaga was the first pianist of the genre and, in 1897, wrote cut Jaca, one of the largest contributions to the Repertoire of crying. Pixinguinha, Ernesto Nazareth and Waldir Azevedo were other big names of crying in Brazil. TropicalismoTropicalism unites elements of pop culture and elite culture, in addition to make use of a speech often politically engaged and protest against the military dictatorship. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Maria Bethânia, mutants are some of their representatives. Young GuardMovement that binds basically rock and American English, but in a more romantic. Their biggest representatives are Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos and Wanderléa.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]

In Brazil, music is one of the most important manifestations of art and national culture, respected internationally. Noteworthy, it goes beyond the world famous Carnival. With the distribution of immigrants across the territory each region of the country developed its own pace. The Rio de Janeiro is known for bossa nova of Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes and sambas of Noel Rosa. Pernambuco stands out for frevo and maracatu. Bahia by the rhythm called Axe Music. The south of the country, specifically the Rio Grande do Sul is recognized by gaucho songs, played with guitar and accordion, instrument also used in the Northeast, the interpreters of forró, gherkin and baião, popularized Luis Gonzaga.

Carlos Gomes, Heitor Villa-Lobos, chiquinha Gonzaga, Joaquim Calado, Carmen Miranda, Noel Rosa and Ary Barroso are just some of the countless names and styles that are part of the history of Brazilian music. The rhythms are new, there are new trends, but always with the musical creativity characteristic of the country.

Meet some musical styles:


De african-Bahian origin, the pace descended from Lundu was used in celebrations of the yards between umbigadas and leg kicks of capoeira. In the early twentieth century, it was adopted by composers such as Ernesto Nazareth, Noel Rosa, Top Hat and Donga, who withdrew from obscurity and legitimized the official culture.

Bossa Nova

urban movement, originated in the late 50. At first it was just a differently to sing samba, but soon incorporated jazz elements with a border based on voice and piano or guitar. Among the biggest names are Nara Leão, Carlos Lyra, Joao Gilberto, Vinicius de Moraes and Tom Jobim.


Genre created from the mixture of elements of European ballroom dances and popular music with African influences. Chiquinha Gonzaga was the first pianist of the genre and in 1897 wrote Corta-Jaca, one of the largest contributions to the cry of the repertoire. Pixinguinha, Ernesto Nazareth and Waldir Azevedo were other great names of crying in Brazil.


Tropicalism unites elements of pop culture and elite culture, and to use often a politically engaged speech and protest against the military dictatorship. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Maria Bethania, Os Mutantes are some of your musical representatives.

Young Guard

movement that is basically linked to the American and English rock, but in a more romantic way. Its main representatives are Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos and Wanderléa.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
MusicIn Brazil, the music is one of the most important expressions of art and national culture, respected internationally. Deserves special attention, because goes beyond the world-famous carnival. The distribution of immigrants across the country each region of the country has developed its own rhythm. Rio is known by bossa nova of Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes and Samba and Noel Rosa. Pernambuco is distinguished by the frevo and maracatu. The Bahia by rhythm called ax é music. The south of the country, specifically the Rio Grande do Sul is recognized by the songs from Rio Grande do Sul, played with guitar and accordion, an instrument used in the northeast region by the interpreters of forr ó, maxixe and Bai ã o, popularised Luis Gonzaga.Carlos Gomes, Heitor villa Lobos, chiquinha Gonzaga, Joaquim quiet, Carmen Miranda, Noel Rosa, ary Barroso are just some of the many names and styles that are part of the history of Brazilian music. The rhythms are renewed, there are new trends, but always with the musical creativity characteristic of the country.Learn some musical styles:SambaAfro Brazilian origin, the pace is descended from the Lundu was used in the parties of the yards between "umbigadas" and limbs of poultry. At the beginning of the 20th century, was adopted by composers such as Ernesto Nazareth, Noel Rosa, cartola and donga, who withdrew from the obscurity and legitimised in the official culture.Bossa NovaUrban movement that originated in the late 1950s. In the beginning was just a different way of sing the samba, but later incorporated elements of jazz with a contour based on the voice and the piano or guitar. Among the biggest names are Nara Le ã o, Carlos Lyra, Jo ã o Gilberto, Vinicius de Moraes and Tom Jobim.CryThe genus created from mixing elements of ballroom dances of European and Portuguese popular music with African influences. Chiquinha Gonzaga was the first pianist of the genre, and in 1897, he wrote corta Jaca, one of the greatest contributions to the choro repertoire. Pixinguinha, Ernesto Nazareth and waldir Azevedo were other big names of tears in Brazil.TropicalismoThe tropicalismo combines elements of pop culture and the culture of the elite, in addition to use many times a speech politically engaged and protest against the military dictatorship. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Maria Beth â NIA, the mutants are some of its representatives in music.Young guardMovement that was basically the American rock music and English, but a more romantic. Its major representatives are Roberto Carlos, erasmo Carlos, wanderl é.
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