O acesso ao Poder Judiciário no Brasil, está previsto no inciso XXXV,  Tradução - O acesso ao Poder Judiciário no Brasil, está previsto no inciso XXXV,  Inglês como dizer

O acesso ao Poder Judiciário no Bra

O acesso ao Poder Judiciário no Brasil, está previsto no inciso XXXV, do art. 5º da Constituição Federal de 1988, quando este preconiza que “a lei não excluirá da apreciação do Poder Judiciário lesão ou ameaça a direito”.
Não obstante, certo é que a capacidade civil do cidadão é plena, cabendo a este definir até mesmo se eventual lesão a seu direito será objeto de prestação jurisdicional.
Nesse sentido, o cidadão, trabalhador, até hoje, tem sua capacidade civil relativizada, na medida em que este acaba por ser tutelado à guisa de ser qualificado como hipossuficiente, em especial frente aos direitos trabalhistas serem irrenunciáveis.
A presente dissertação não exclui essa afirmação, todavia, repele a relatividade que é atribuída ao cidadão, trabalhador, posto que, ao assim ser considerado, deixará de ter autonomia para escolher a forma de acesso à Justiça que entenda mais oportuna e adequada para satisfação de seus direitos eventualmente lesados.
Num primeiro momento, enquanto vinculado ao empregador, essa hipossuficiência é inquestionável, afinal, a relação de trabalho pressupõe subordinação. Todavia, rompido o vínculo contratual, quaisquer direitos que tenham eventualmente tenham sido lesados possuirão caráter exclusivamente pecuniário, os quais podem ser objeto de transação.
Tanto assim é verdadeira essa assertiva, que em sede de reclamatória trabalhista, quando do primeiro contato do magistrado com as partes em audiência denominada “Una”, o “juiz proporá a conciliação”, a evidenciar a disponibilidade dos direitos anterior e eventualmente lesados (cf. art. 846, da CLT).
À luz desse entendimento, a presente dissertação estará a considerar a possibilidade de os conflitos individuais do trabalho serem objeto de submissão à Arbitragem, situação esta já alcançada pelos conflitos coletivos do trabalho.
Além dessa vertente, a presente dissertação, justamente pela previsão legal de transação dos direitos decorrentes da relação de trabalho, abordará os Meios Alternativos de Solução de Conflitos, em especial a Conciliação e a Mediação, já utilizada através das Comissões de Conciliação Prévia, organismo extrajudicial, de composição paritária, no âmbito das empresas ou grupo de empresas e no âmbito dos sindicatos, sem qualquer relação administrativa ou jurisdicional com o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego ou com a Justiça do Trabalho, que se dedica à solução de conflitos trabalhistas.

Palavras-chave: Acesso à Justiça. Arbitragem. Conciliação. Mediação. Capacidade Civil. Hipossuficiência. Direito do Trabalho.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Access to the Judiciary in Brazil, is provided for in clause XXXV, art. 5 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when it recommends that "the law does not exclude the consideration of Judiciary injury or threatens the right."Nevertheless, the civil capacity of the citizen is full, this set even if possible injury to your right will be the subject of judicial accountability.In this sense, citizen, worker, until today, has its civilian relativized, as this turns out to be tutored by way of being qualified as underprivileged, in particular against the labor rights are indispensable.This dissertation does not exclude this statement, however, repels the relativity that is attributed to the citizen, worker, given that, to be considered, you will no longer have the autonomy to choose the form of access to justice to understand more timely and suitable for satisfaction of their rights eventually harmed.At first, while bound to the employer, this weaker position is unquestioned, after all, the employment relationship implies subordination. However, breached the contractual link, any rights that have eventually have been harmed will own exclusively monetary character, which can be the object of a transaction.That much is true that assert, that in labor complaints, when the magistrate's first contact with the parties in the hearing titled "Una", the judge shall propose conciliation ", to highlight the availability of previous rights and eventually harmed (cf. art. 846 of the labor code-CLT).In the light of this understanding, this dissertation will be to consider the possibility of individual labour conflicts be object of submission to arbitration, already achieved by collective labour conflicts.In addition to this aspect, this dissertation, the legal provision of transaction of the rights arising from the employment relationship, will address the alternative means of conflict resolution, in particular the conciliation and mediation, already used by conciliation commissions, extrajudicial body, joint composition within the companies or group of companies and trade unions, without any administrative or jurisdictional relationship with the Ministry of labor and employment or with the labour courts , dedicated to the solution of labour conflicts.Keywords: access to justice. Arbitration. Conciliation. Mediation. Civil Capacity. Weaker position. Labor law.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Access to the courts in Brazil is set forth in item XXXV of art. 5 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when it stipulates that "the law does not exclude from review by the Judiciary injury or threat to law."
Nevertheless, it is certain that the citizen's legal capacity is full, leaving this set even if possible injury to his right will be adjudication object.
In this sense, citizen, worker, until now, has its relativized civil capacity, to the extent that this turns out to be safeguarded by way of being qualified as a disadvantage, especially compared to the labor rights be indispensable.
This thesis does not exclude this claim, however, repels relativity that is attributed to the citizen, worker, since, to thus be considered, will no longer be free to choose the way of access to justice who understands more timely and adequate for satisfaction of their rights likely to be harmed.
At first, while linked to the employer, this hipossuficiência is unquestionable, after all, the working relationship presupposes subordination. However, broken the contractual relationship, any rights that may possibly have been damaged possess exclusively pecuniary nature, which can be transaction object.
So much so true this assertion, which thirst for labor claim, when the first contact of the magistrate with parties in the hearing called "Una", the "Judge propose reconciliation", to highlight the availability of previous rights and likely to be harmed (cf. art. 846 of the Labor Code).
In light of this understanding, this thesis is to consider of the individual labor disputes be submission to the Arbitration object, a situation already achieved by the collective labor conflicts.
In this aspect, the present work, precisely because of the legal provision for transaction of rights under the employment relationship, will address the Alternative Media Conflict Resolution, in particular the Conciliation and Mediation, already used by the Prior Conciliation Commissions, extrajudicial body, equally composed, within companies or group of companies and within the trade unions, without any administrative or jurisdictional relationship with the Ministry of Labor and Employment or the Labour Court, which is dedicated to solving labor disputes. Keywords: Access to Justice. Arbitration. Conciliation. Mediation. Civil capacity. Hipossuficiência. Labor Law.

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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Access to the judicial power in Brazil, is provided for in Clause XXXV, art. 5 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when it says that "the law shall not exclude the consideration of the judiciary injury or threat to law". However, it is certain that the civil capacity of citizens is full, and this set even if possible injury to his right shall be the object of provision for judicial review.In this sense, the citizen, the worker, until today, has its own civil capacity put into perspective, in that it turns out to be tutored by way of being qualified as hipossuficiente, especially in front of labour rights are inalienable.
this dissertation does not exclude this statement, however, rejects the relativity that is attributed to the citizen, worker. Since,To be considered, will not have the autonomy to choose the form of access to justice that considers more timely and appropriate for the satisfaction of their rights may be infringed.
in the first step, while bound to the employer, the hipossuficiência is unquestioned, after all, the working relationship requires the subordination. However, breached the contract.Any rights that may possibly have been harmed by character exclusively for money, which can be the object of transaction.
This is true that assertive, in the grievance procedures, when the first contact of the magistrate with the parties in the audience as "a", "the judge shall propose the Conciliation".To show the availability of the rights before and possibly harmed (cf. art. 846, CLT).
in the light of this understanding, this dissertation will be to consider the possibility of individual conflicts of the work being the object of submission to arbitration, this situation is already achieved by collective labour disputes.
in addition to this aspect, this dissertation.Due to the legal provision of transaction of rights arising from the employment relationship, discusses the alternative means of conflict resolution, in particular, conciliation and mediation, already used by the prior conciliation commissions, court body of equal composition, in the context of companies or group of companies, and in the context of trade unions.Without any administrative or legal relationship with the Ministry of labour and employment and the labor court, which is dedicated to the solution of labour conflicts.

key words: access to justice. Arbitration. Conciliation, mediation, civil capacity. Hipossuficiência. The labor law.
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