It was the anti-globalization movement that really put globalization o Tradução - It was the anti-globalization movement that really put globalization o Português como dizer

It was the anti-globalization movem

It was the anti-globalization movement that really put globalization on the map. As a word it has existed since the 1960s, but the protests against this allegedly new process, which its opponents condemn as a way of ordering people's lives, brought globalization out of the financial and academic worlds and into everyday current affairs jargon.

But that scarcely brings us nearer to what globalization means. The phenomenon could be a great deal of different things, or perhaps multiple manifestations of one prevailing trend. It has become a buzzword that some will use to describe everything that is happening in the world today.

Globalization came to be seen as more than simply a way of doing business, or running financial markets - it became a process. From then on the word took on a life of its own. Centuries earlier, in a similar manner, the techniques of industrial manufacturing led to the changes associated with the process of industrialization, as former country dwellers migrated to the cramped but booming industrial cities to tend the new machines.

So how does the global market work? It is modern communications that make it possible; for the British service sector to deal with its customers through a call center in India, or for a sportswear manufacturer to design its products in Europe, make them in south-east Asia and sell them in North America.

But this is where the anti-globalization side gets stuck in. If these practices replace domestic economic life with an economy that is heavily influenced or controlled from overseas, then the creation of a global economic model and the process of globalization can also be seen as a surrender of power to the corporations, or a means of keeping poorer nations in their place.

Low-paid sweatshop workers, GM seeds pressed on developing world farmers, selling off state-owned industry to qualify for IMF and World Bank loans and the increasing dominance of US and European corporate culture across the globe have come to symbolize globalization for some of its critics.

The anti-globalization movement is famously broad, encompassing environmentalists, anarchists, unionists, the hard left, some of the soft left, those campaigning for fair development in poorer countries and others who want to tear the whole thing down, in the same way that the original Luddites attacked mechanized spinning machines.

Not everyone agrees that globalization is necessarily evil, or that global corporations are running the lives of individuals or are more powerful than nations. Some say that the spread of globalization, free markets and free trade in the developing world is the best way to beat poverty - the only problem is that free markets and free trade do not yet truly exist.

Globalization can be seen as a positive, negative or even marginal process. And regardless of whether it works for good or ill, globalization’s exact meaning will continue to be the subject of debate among those who oppose, support or simply observe it.
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
It was the anti-globalization movement that really put globalization on the map. As a word it has existed since the 1960s, but the protests against this allegedly new process, which its opponents condemn as a way of ordering people's lives, brought globalization out of the financial and academic worlds and into everyday current affairs jargon. But that scarcely brings us nearer to what globalization means. The phenomenon could be a great deal of different things, or perhaps multiple manifestations of one prevailing trend. It has become a buzzword that some will use to describe everything that is happening in the world today. Globalization came to be seen as more than simply a way of doing business, or running financial markets - it became a process. From then on the word took on a life of its own. Centuries earlier, in a similar manner, the techniques of industrial manufacturing led to the changes associated with the process of industrialization, as former country dwellers migrated to the cramped but booming industrial cities to tend the new machines. So how does the global market work? It is modern communications that make it possible; for the British service sector to deal with its customers through a call center in India, or for a sportswear manufacturer to design its products in Europe, make them in south-east Asia and sell them in North America. But this is where the anti-globalization side gets stuck in. If these practices replace domestic economic life with an economy that is heavily influenced or controlled from overseas, then the creation of a global economic model and the process of globalization can also be seen as a surrender of power to the corporations, or a means of keeping poorer nations in their place. Low-paid sweatshop workers, GM seeds pressed on developing world farmers, selling off state-owned industry to qualify for IMF and World Bank loans and the increasing dominance of US and European corporate culture across the globe have come to symbolize globalization for some of its critics.The anti-globalization movement is famously broad, encompassing environmentalists, anarchists, unionists, the hard left, some of the soft left, those campaigning for fair development in poorer countries and others who want to tear the whole thing down, in the same way that the original Luddites attacked mechanized spinning machines. Not everyone agrees that globalization is necessarily evil, or that global corporations are running the lives of individuals or are more powerful than nations. Some say that the spread of globalization, free markets and free trade in the developing world is the best way to beat poverty - the only problem is that free markets and free trade do not yet truly exist. Globalization can be seen as a positive, negative or even marginal process. And regardless of whether it works for good or ill, globalization’s exact meaning will continue to be the subject of debate among those who oppose, support or simply observe it.
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Resultados (Português) 2:[Cópia de]
Foi o movimento anti-globalização que realmente colocar a globalização no mapa. Como uma palavra que existe desde a década de 1960, mas os protestos contra este supostamente novo processo, que os seus opositores condenam como uma forma de ordenar a vida das pessoas, trouxe a globalização fora dos mundos financeiros e acadêmicos e em todos os dias jargão assuntos atuais. Mas isso dificilmente nos aproxima ao que a globalização significa. O fenômeno poderia ser uma grande quantidade de coisas diferentes, ou talvez várias manifestações de uma tendência predominante. . Tornou-se um chavão que alguns usam para descrever tudo que está acontecendo no mundo de hoje Globalização passou a ser visto como mais do que simplesmente uma maneira de fazer negócios, ou correr mercados financeiros - tornou-se um processo. A partir de então a palavra assumiu uma vida própria. Séculos antes, de um modo semelhante, as técnicas de fabricação industrial levou às mudanças associadas com o processo de industrialização, como habitantes de países ex-migraram para as cidades industriais apertados, mas em expansão para cuidar das novas máquinas. Então, como funciona o mercado global? É comunicações modernas que tornam possível; para o setor de serviços britânico para lidar com os seus clientes através de um call center na Índia, ou para um fabricante de roupas esportivas para projetar seus produtos na Europa, torná-los no sudeste da Ásia e vendê-los na América do Norte. Mas este é o lugar onde o anti- lado a globalização fica preso. Se estas práticas substituir vida econômica doméstica com uma economia que é fortemente influenciado ou controlado do exterior, em seguida, a criação de um modelo econômico global eo processo de globalização pode também ser visto como uma rendição do poder para as corporações ou um meio de manter as nações mais pobres em seu lugar. trabalhadores de fábricas exploradoras de baixa remuneração, sementes GM pressionadas no desenvolvimento de agricultores do mundo, vendendo a indústria estatal para se qualificar para FMI e do Banco Mundial empréstimos eo crescente domínio dos EUA e europeu cultura corporativa em todo o mundo vieram a simbolizar a globalização para alguns de seus críticos. O movimento anti-globalização é notoriamente ampla, abrangendo os ambientalistas, anarquistas, sindicalistas, o disco esquerdo, alguns dos esquerda mole, aqueles fazendo campanha para um desenvolvimento justo nos países mais pobres e outros que querem rasgar a coisa toda para baixo, da mesma forma que os luditas originais atacado máquinas de fiação mecanizadas. Nem todos concordam que a globalização é necessariamente mau, ou que as corporações globais estão executando as vidas dos indivíduos ou são mais poderosos do que as nações. Alguns dizem que a propagação da globalização, os mercados livres eo livre comércio no mundo em desenvolvimento é a melhor maneira de vencer a pobreza - o único problema é que os mercados livres eo comércio livre ainda não existem verdadeiramente. A globalização pode ser visto como positivo, negativo ou até mesmo processo marginal. E independentemente de ele trabalha para o bem ou para o mal, o significado exato de globalização continuará a ser objecto de debate entre aqueles que se opõem, suporte ou simplesmente observá-lo.

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