- cst comenta que tiene problemas con el receptor de sonido - se le dan las opciones de soporte - cst decide ir a la pagina de www.apple.com/es - se le recomendo tambien ir al punto de venta - cst volvera a llamar cualquier duda
-cst says that it has problems with the sound receiver-is given the support options-cst decides to go to the page www.apple.com/es-are you recommended also go to the point of sale -cst will return to call any questions
- Cst comments that have problems with sound receiver - are given support options - cst decides to go to the page www.apple.com/es - is also recommended to go to the point of sale - cst redialed any doubt
- CST says that he has problems with the sound Receiver- Give him the support options- CST decides to go to the page of www.apple.comHe also recommended to go to the point of sale- CST will call any questions