cst indica que ha recibido un correo que indica que debe pagar la pant Tradução - cst indica que ha recibido un correo que indica que debe pagar la pant Inglês como dizer

cst indica que ha recibido un corre

cst indica que ha recibido un correo que indica que debe pagar la pantalla rota por un monto de 114,61€ y al momento de pagar por pago seguro le aparece este monto 121,57 € y con el Iva 147,10€
cst solicita saber el por que de la diferencia?
se le explica al cst que es el costo total de reparación de la pantalla de un iPhone 6s
cst desea saber si le van a reemplazar el tif por tener la carcaza rota y no el cristal
cst desea realizar el pago con nosotros
se transfiere la llamada a tiar2 para proceder a gestionar el pago seguro en linea
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST indicates that you have received an email indicating that you must pay the cracked screen for an amount of € 114,61 and pay by secure payment when this amount is €121,57 and VAT €147,10 cst requested to know the why the difference?is explained to the cst that is the total cost of a 6s iPhone screen repairCST would like to know if you are replacing the tif for having broken housing and not the glass CST wishes to make payment with us transferred the call to tiar2 to proceed to the secure payment online
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst indicates that you have received an email indicating that you must pay the rota for an amount of € 114.61 and when paying for insurance you pay this amount € 121.57 screen appears with Iva 147.10 €
cst requested to know the why the difference?
is explained to cst which is the total cost of repairing the screen of an iPhone 6s
cst want to know if they are going to replace the tif for having broken shell not crystal
cst want to pay us
the call is transferred to tiar2 to proceed manage secure online payment
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
TSA said that he had received an email that says you must pay the amount for a Broken Screen 114,61€ and checkout payment Insurance appears this amount and the VAT 147,10€ 121,57 GBPRequests the CST to know why the difference?He explains that the CST is the total cost of repair of the screen of an iPhone 6sCST wishes to know if you are going to replace the TIF for having broken the Glass Casing and notCST you wish to pay with usThe call is transferred to tiar2 to manage the Secure Online payment
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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