- cst comenta que le hicieron unos cargos en iTunes - cst aun no le han cobrado de la tarjeta de crédito - send reportphishing@apple.com, abuse@icloud.com - cst llamara si el debito se realizo de la tarjeta
-cst comments that you made some charges on iTunes-cst still not you have charged from the card of credit-send reportphishing@apple.com, abuse@icloud.com-cst call if the debit was held card
- Cst says he made some charges in iTunes - cst not yet been charged for credit card - send reportphishing@apple.com, abuse@icloud.com - cst call if the debit card was held
- CST says he made some charges on iTunes- you have not yet been charged on the credit card- Send reportphishing apple.com iCloud.com abuse @ @,- CST was called if the debit card