cst desea cita para reparar pantalla de su iphone se le explica que no entra en garantia y se suministra precio de reparacion se envia enlace cst llamara el 28 para marcar cita para el 4 de junio en mahadahoda
CST wishes to quote to repair your iphone screenIt explains that it doesn't guarantee and provided price of repairIt sends URLCST called 28 to mark appointment for June 4 at mahadahoda
cst want to quote to repair your iphone screen you explain that does not enter warranty and repair price provided it is sent link cst call 28 to mark appointment for June 4 in mahadahoda
CST to date to repair your iPhone ScreenHe explains that it is under warranty and Repair PriceSend linkThe CST will 28 to mark the date to June 4 in mahadahoda