Poderia enganar-se e fingir que tudo estava bem, que tinha conseguido prestígio considerável no meio em que trabalhava. Poderia dizer para si mesma que fazer as compras para o fim de semana e escolher um congelado para jantar sozinha não passava de uma dádiva concedida apenas às mulheres maduras e economicamente estáveis. Não possuía coragem para tanto. E, na ausência desta, deixava-se engolir pelo supermercado, mastigada e mecânica ao pinçar itens das prateleiras e colocá-los no carrinho. Procurava desfrutar do prazer barato de não ter o corpo derretendo pelas ruas, olhando para todos sem ver nenhum, guardando as embalagens lado a lado, dando-se o direito de algumas extravagâncias como o vinho do porto e as postas rosadas do salmão. Alcançaria, quem sabe, a completude em alguma daquelas variadas formas.
Navegava no ritmo da música ambiente que mal percebia. Havia se tornado impessoal nos últimos meses, recusando os convites dos amigos, ignorando colegas, esquecendo da presença da secretária eletrônica. Não tolerava sorrisos simpáticos, manifestações piedosas.
Domava sua própria vida, suas próprias escolhas, impondo-se um calvário sem pequenas distrações. Além do trabalho, permitia-se somente prazeres solitários como livrar-se da modorra do dia feito náufraga em um supermercado.
Nessa tarde, porém, resolvera resgatar um ponto, mesmo sendo esse ponto ainda um segredo. A exatidão tecnicamente invisível da maioria das coisas existentes poderia, quem sabe, estar escondida na forma de uma vida mais saudável, de uma rotina com mais beterrabas e betacaroteno. Resolvera resgatar, além do ponto, um sentido secreto — o mistério das coisas boas.
could fool yourself and pretend that all was well, he had achieved considerable prestige in the middle where he worked. could say to herself to do the shopping for the weekend and pick a frozen dinner alone was just a gift given only to mature and economically stable. did not have the courage to do so. and, in its absence,made up by the supermarket swallow, chewed and the mechanical clamp items from the shelves and put them in the cart. looking for cheap enjoy the pleasure of not having the body melting the streets, looking at all without seeing any, guarding the packages side by side, giving the right of some extravagances like port wine and put pink salmon. reach perhapscompleteness in some of those varied forms.
sailed at the pace of the music would not even notice. had become impersonal in recent months, refusing invitations from friends, colleagues ignoring, forgetting the presence of answering. tolerated no friendly smiles, pious manifestations.
tamed your own life, your own choices,imposing a small ordeal without distractions. Apart from the work, it was allowed only solitary pleasures how to get rid of dullness of the day made shipwrecked in a supermarket.
That afternoon, however, decided to rescue a point, even though this point is still a secret. the accuracy of most technically invisible things could exist, perhapsbe hidden in the form of a healthier life, a routine with more beets and beta carotene. decided to rescue beyond the point, meaning secret - the mystery of good things.
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Could cheat and pretend that everything was fine, which had achieved considerable prestige in the medium in which he worked. Could say to herself to do the shopping for the weekend and choose a frozen dinner alone was not a gift granted only to mature women and economically stable. Did not have the courage to do so. And, in the absence of this, Let be swallow by supermarket, chewed and mechanics to poke items from shelves and place them in the cart. Searching for cheap enjoy the pleasure of not having the body melting through the streets, looking at all without seeing any, guarding the packages side-by-side, giving the right to some extravagances like port wine and pink salmon steaks. Reach, who knows, the completeness in any of those many ways.
Surfing in the rhythm of the background music that hardly realized. Had become impersonal in recent months, refusing invitations from friends, colleagues, forgetting ignoring the presence of the answering machine. No friendly smiles, pious demonstrations tolerated.
Domava your own life, your own choices, imposing a calvary without small distractions. Besides the work, allowed only solitary pleasures how to get rid of the modorra of the day made castaway in a supermarket.
In this afternoon, however, decided to rescue a point, even though this point still a secret. Technically invisible accuracy most existing things could perhaps be hidden in the form of a healthier life, a routine with more beets and beta carotene. Decided to rescue, in addition, a secret sense — the mystery of good things.
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