7700:06:00,501 --> 00:06:01,870I bet you will collect.7800:06:04,297 - Tradução - 7700:06:00,501 --> 00:06:01,870I bet you will collect.7800:06:04,297 - Português como dizer

7700:06:00,501 --> 00:06:01,870I be

00:06:00,501 --> 00:06:01,870
I bet you will collect.

00:06:04,297 --> 00:06:08,557
Sorry, but you can not. You're only thirteen years old.

00:06:08,558 --> 00:06:12,121
But Carolyn Kasloou sixteen and cousin Susan ...

00:06:12,122 --> 00:06:15,180
It is eighteen. He lives in Richmond and has its own car.

00:06:15,181 --> 00:06:18,299
My guess, I do not think it is suitable for three young girls ...

00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:21,205
be alone for a whole week away from home.

00:06:21,383 --> 00:06:23,000
But we have the entire plan.

00:06:23,230 --> 00:06:25,450
And you planned to divide your expenses?

00:06:25,451 --> 00:06:27,150
It is only nine dollars.

00:06:27,941 --> 00:06:30,210
It's a lot to be able to devote to a child.

00:06:30,211 --> 00:06:34,072
Mom, I'm not a child. Growing and no one wants to leave me.

00:06:34,293 --> 00:06:36,453
You do not understand that this is the biggest and most important ...

00:06:36,454 --> 00:06:38,025
thing that ever happened to me.

00:06:38,420 --> 00:06:40,400
You'll give a lot of opportunities in your life ...

00:06:40,401 --> 00:06:41,785
to get on your own decisions.

00:06:42,580 --> 00:06:44,709
Enjoy it, you have the chance to win some money.

00:06:44,710 --> 00:06:48,269
Bonuses I told you about. For yourself a new dress,

00:06:48,270 --> 00:06:50,970
and anything you want. Furthermore, they belong to the family.

00:06:50,971 --> 00:06:53,359
There you see it, I want to escape from being stuck here.

00:06:53,360 --> 00:06:56,031
I travel somewhere, to see people, places different ...

00:06:56,032 --> 00:06:58,255
from what I've seen and I never discussed.

00:06:58,410 --> 00:07:00,610
When will he be given a chance like this again?

00:07:00,777 --> 00:07:03,645
I say does not mean anything to you, but I do what I think ...

00:07:03,646 --> 00:07:05,600
that is right for you. - How can you know?

00:07:05,601 --> 00:07:06,999
I want to see the ocean, to taste the ...

00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:09,794
to hear him. And you suggest that I will be happy ...

00:07:09,795 --> 00:07:11,720
forget everything, only to pick up apples.

00:07:13,905 --> 00:07:16,940
To listen here young lady. For one thing I would speak loudly ...

00:07:16,941 --> 00:07:21,672
a disrespectful child. Now go and think what both ...

00:07:21,673 --> 00:07:22,790
we said.

00:07:23,600 --> 00:07:25,541
Go, go now!

00:07:26,161 --> 00:07:30,011
If you do not go I will go, Mom. If Susan can and I do.

00:07:31,313 --> 00:07:32,801
To listen here.

00:07:33,365 --> 00:07:34,600
'In John.

00:07:34,811 --> 00:07:37,040
He likes talking loudly, in principle, Liv?

00:07:37,041 --> 00:07:38,985
It takes some time to stay alone.

00:08:03,387 --> 00:08:04,379
Good evening.

00:08:05,365 --> 00:08:06,500

00:08:06,501 --> 00:08:08,500
Would you prefer an extra mouth full of hay ...

00:08:08,501 --> 00:08:10,063
despite a hungry bear, right?

00:08:10,430 --> 00:08:12,200
And something tasty to master.

00:08:13,709 --> 00:08:15,480
I can only sing for my supper.

00:08:16,582 --> 00:08:20,811
Well, you will certainly help with the hay, we have already eaten dinner ...

00:08:20,812 --> 00:08:24,225
but let me see if Mommy has something extra for you.

00:08:24,346 --> 00:08:25,226
Come on.

00:08:52,244 --> 00:08:55,774
I want to see an ocean ...

00:08:56,586 --> 00:08:59,753
to know if it has the taste of salt ...

00:09:00,619 --> 00:09:06,264
swimming in an unknown river flowing wild.

00:09:08,349 --> 00:09:11,967
Living in a city of strangers ...

00:09:12,921 --> 00:09:17,522
where neighbors do not know my name ...

00:09:18,628 --> 00:09:22,000
for having me ...

00:09:22,995 --> 00:09:26,438
and not my parents' child.

00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:35,441
Some are sure that you will never grow up ...

00:09:35,867 --> 00:09:38,962
but I'm a man that blooms ....

00:09:39,866 --> 00:09:45,467
will never fly away, so I smile.

00:09:47,637 --> 00:09:50,583
The rainbow fades into the sunset ...

00:09:51,885 --> 00:09:56,187
and laughing have not seen ...

00:09:57,900 --> 00:10:00,746
that my name is now ...

00:10:02,010 --> 00:10:05,706
whatever it wants to be tomorrow's child.

00:10:15,914 --> 00:10:17,795
- Hello. - Hello.

00:10:18,058 --> 00:10:19,360
It's nice song.

00:10:19,980 --> 00:10:21,070

00:10:21,607 --> 00:10:23,280
You sing for your supper?

00:10:23,822 --> 00:10:26,270
It did not. Your mom is a good cook.

00:10:29,878 --> 00:10:32,786
The stars look like diamonds on velvet, tonight.

00:10:35,650 --> 00:10:36,980
And the moon up there, too.

00:10:38,807 --> 00:10:41,495
- You could be here in the morning? - For breakfast.

00:10:42,909 --> 00:10:45,405
- Goodnight. - Good night, Mary Ellen.

00:10:49,253 --> 00:10:51,980
From how old travel, Raymond, and you see things?

00:10:52,350 --> 00:10:53,970
Since I was fifteen.

00:10:54,395 --> 00:10:56,771
- How is it; - Every day is so different,

00:10:56,772 --> 00:10:58,100
the previous.

00:10:59,647 --> 00:11:00,915
Good night, James.

00:11:10,650 --> 00:11:11,821
The Mandy Gkormely.

00:11:13,871 --> 00:11:16,080
He lives with the necessary sticks but the person ...

00:11:16,081 --> 00:11:17,310
you ought to see.

00:11:17,322 --> 00:11:19,830
You think you could tell some old songs for me?

00:11:19,831 --> 00:11:21,320
Because I am unknown.

00:11:22,554 --> 00:11:24,550
Oh! Maybe if one of us come with you.

00:11:24,958 --> 00:11:26,605
Oh! Thy own is busy.

00:11:27,188 --> 00:11:30,130
And you probably want a good sleep for tomorrow, too.

00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:36,100
Surely your husband speaks highly of you.

00:11:36,839 --> 00:11:39,370
I find myself in front porch long.

00:11:40,130 --> 00:11:41,599
- Goodnight. - Good night, James.

00:11:41,600 --> 00:11:42,600
Good night.

00:11:51,909 --> 00:11:54,760
He said that all these years, tired of listening ...

00:11:54,761 --> 00:11:57,041
and his eyes tired of seeing and ...

00:11:57,042 --> 00:11:59,225
perhaps could be installed somewhere.
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
7700:06:00, 501--> 00:06:01, 870Aposto que você irá recolher.7800:06:04, 297--> 00:06:08, 557Desculpe, mas você não pode. Você é apenas treze anos de idade.7900:06:08, 558--> 00:06:12, 121Mas Carolyn Kasloou dezesseis e primo de Susan...8000:06:12, 122--> 00:06:15, 180É dezoito anos. Ele vive em Richmond e tem seu próprio carro.8100:06:15, 181--> 00:06:18, 299Meu palpite, eu não acho que é apropriado para as três jovens...8200:06:18, 300--> 00:06:21, 205ficar sozinho por uma semana inteira longe de casa.8300:06:21, 383--> 00:06:23, 000Mas nós temos o nosso plano.8400:06:23, 230--> 00:06:25, 450E você planejou dividir as despesas?8500:06:25, 451--> 00:06:27, 150São apenas nove dólares.8600:06:27, 941--> 00:06:30, 210É muita coisa para ser capaz de dedicar-se a uma criança.8700:06:30, 211--> 00:06:34, 072Mãe, eu não sou uma criança. Crescendo e ninguém quer me deixar.8800:06:34, 293--> 00:06:36, 453Você não entende que esta é a maior e mais importante...8900:06:36, 454--> 00:06:38, 025coisa que já me aconteceu.9000:06:38, 420--> 00:06:40, 400Você vai dar muitas oportunidades em sua vida...9100:06:40, 401--> 00:06:41, 785para chegar a suas próprias decisões.9200:06:42, 580--> 00:06:44, 709Apreciá-lo, você tem a chance de ganhar algum dinheiro.9300:06:44, 710--> 00:06:48, 269Bônus que te falei. Por si mesmo, um vestido novo,9400:06:48, 270--> 00:06:50, 970e tudo o que quiser. Além disso, eles pertencem à família.9500:06:50, 971--> 00:06:53, 359Lá você vê-lo, eu quero escapar de ficar preso aqui.9600:06:53, 360--> 00:06:56, 031Eu viajo para algum lugar, para ver pessoas, lugares diferentes...9700:06:56, 032--> 00:06:58, 255do que tenho visto e eu nunca discutimos.9800:06:58, 410--> 00:07:00, 610Quando ele terá uma chance como essa novamente?9900:07:00, 777--> 00:07:03, 645Eu digo não significar nada para você, mas eu faço o que eu penso...10000:07:03, 646--> 00:07:05, 600que é certo para você. -Como você pode saber?10100:07:05, 601--> 00:07:06, 999Eu quero ver o mar, ao gosto do...10200:07:07, 000--> 00:07:09, 794para ouvi-lo. E você sugere que eu vou ser feliz...10300:07:09, 795--> 00:07:11, 720Esqueça tudo, só para pegar maçãs.10400:07:13, 905--> 00:07:16, 940Para ouvir aqui, mocinha. Antes de mais gostaria de falar em voz alta...10500:07:16, 941--> 00:07:21, 672uma criança desrespeitosa. Agora vá e acho que ambos...10600:07:21, 673--> 00:07:22, 790Nós dissemos.10700:07:23, 600--> 00:07:25, 541Vá, vá agora!10800:07:26, 161--> 00:07:30, 011Se não fores eu vou, mãe. Se Susan pode e o que fazer.10900:07:31, 313--> 00:07:32, 801Para ouvir aqui.11000:07:33, 365--> 00:07:34, 600' Em João.11100:07:34, 811--> 00:07:37, 040Ele gosta de falar alto, em princípio, Liv?11200:07:37, 041--> 00:07:38, 985Isso leva algum tempo para ficar sozinho.11300:08:03, 387--> 00:08:04, 379Boa noite.11400:08:05, 365--> 00:08:06, 500Olá!11506:00:08, 501--> 00:08:08, 500Você prefere uma boca extra cheia de feno...11600:08:08, 501--> 00:08:10, 063Apesar de um urso faminto, certo?11700:08:10, 430--> 00:08:12, 200E uma coisa gostosa para mestre.11800:08:13, 709--> 00:08:15, 480Só posso cantar para a minha ceia.11900:08:16, 582--> 00:08:20, 811Bem, você certamente vai ajudar com o feno, nós já comemos jantar...12000:08:20, 812--> 00:08:24, 225Mas deixe-me ver se mamãe tem algo extra para você.12100:08:24, 346--> 00:08:25, 226Sem essa.12200:08:52, 244--> 00:08:55, 774 Eu quero ver um oceano... 12300:08:56, 586--> 00:08:59, 753 para saber se tem o sabor de sal... 12400:09:00, 619--> 00:09:06, 264 nadar em uma selvagem fluindo Rio desconhecido. 12500:09:08, 349--> 00:09:11, 967 Vivendo em uma cidade de estranhos... 12600:09:12, 921--> 00:09:17, 522 onde os vizinhos não sabem meu nome... 12700:09:18, 628--> 00:09:22, 000 por ter-me... 12800:09:22, 995--> 00:09:26, 438 e não é filho dos meus pais. 129.00:09:31, 900--> 00:09:35, 441 Alguns são a certeza de que você nunca vai crescer... 13000:09:35, 867--> 00:09:38, 962 Mas eu sou um homem que floresce... 13100:09:39, 866--> 00:09:45, 467 Nunca vai voar longe, então eu sorrio. 13200:09:47, 637--> 00:09:50, 583 O arco-íris se desvanece no pôr do sol... 13300:09:51, 885--> 00:09:56, 187 e rir, não viu... 13400:09:57, 900--> 00:10:00, 746 que o meu nome agora é... 13500:10:02, 010--> 00:10:05, 706 o que quer ser criança do amanhã. 13600:10:15, 914--> 00:10:17, 795-Olá. -Olá.13700:10:18, 058--> 00:10:19, 360É uma bela canção.13800:10:19, 980--> 00:10:21, 070Obrigado.13900:10:21, 607--> 00:10:23, 280Cantar para o jantar?14000:10:23, 822--> 00:10:26, 270Não foi assim. Sua mãe é uma boa cozinheira.14100:10:29, 878--> 00:10:32, 786As estrelas parecem diamantes em veludo, esta noite.14200:10:35, 650--> 00:10:36, 980E a lua lá em cima, também.14300:10:38, 807--> 00:10:41, 495-Você poderia estar aqui de manhã? -No café da manhã.14400:10:42, 909--> 00:10:45, 405-Boa noite. -Boa noite, Mary Ellen.14500:10:49, 253--> 00:10:51, 980De viagens como velha, Raymond e você vê as coisas?14600:10:52, 350--> 00:10:53, 970Desde que tinha 15 anos.14700:10:54, 395--> 00:10:56, 771-Como é; -Cada dia é tão diferente,14800:10:56, 772--> 00:10:58, 100o anterior.14900:10:59, 647--> 00:11:00, 915Boa noite, James.15000:11:10, 650--> 00:11:11, 821A Mandy Gkormely.15100:11:13, 871--> 00:11:16, 080Ele vive com as varas necessárias mas a pessoa...15200:11:16, 081--> 00:11:17, 310Você precisa ver.15300:11:17, 322--> 00:11:19, 830Você acha que você poderia dizer algumas músicas antigas para mim?15400:11:19, 831--> 00:11:21, 320Porque eu sou um desconhecido.15500:11:22, 554--> 00:11:24, 550Ah! Talvez, se um de nós ir com você.15600:11:24, 958--> 00:11:26, 605Ah! Teu próprio está ocupado.15700:11:27, 188--> 00:11:30, 130E você provavelmente quer uma boa noite de sono para amanhã, também.15800:11:34, 080--> 00:11:36, 100Certamente seu marido fala muito bem de você.15900:11:36, 839--> 00:11:39, 370Encontro-me na varanda da frente longa.16000:11:40, 130--> 00:11:41, 599-Boa noite. -Boa noite, James.16100:11:41, 600--> 00:11:42, 600Boa noite.16200:11:51, 909--> 00:11:54, 760Ele disse que todos esses anos, cansado de ouvir...16300:11:54, 761--> 00:11:57, 041e os olhos cansados de ver e...16400:11:57, 042--> 00:11:59, 225Talvez poderia ser instalado em algum lugar.
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