Ele já a olhava. Feito árvore, dessas árvores muito antigas, as raízes acomodadas no generoso solo que lhe cabia de alimento. Ela não soube se o maracujá que ele ainda segurava recrudescia no espanto daquele encontro, ou se era a pele dele que murchava tão depressa, avisando-a de que entre os olhos encontraria depressões, quem sabe córregos, que desconhecia.
Aproximou-se movida pela inevitabilidade dessas situações, onde um tem que caminhar em direção ao outro, evitando — e penoso é o evitar — o olhar que ele, ousado, tratava de lhe plantar. Murmurou seu nome mais para convencer-se do que chamá-lo, enquanto ele ameaçava sorrir. De fato, ele o fez, mostrando que seus dentes continuavam os mesmos, levemente amarelados onde um encontrava-se com o outro, mas seus lábios pareciam mais finos e as rugas ao redor, mais acentuadas.
Frondoso, ele a envolveu pelos ombros, o cheiro selvático da colônia masculina competindo com o ar doce de frutas passadas. Contida, como se tivesse saído de uma poda, deixou-se abraçar, os dedos tentando encostar quase nada em suas costas, como se o tecido da camisa azul fosse feito da mais forte de todas as colas. Ouviu-o falar que era ótimo vê-la e que ela estava linda. Respondeu que ele também estava muito bem e, nesse momento, arrependeu-se, conseguindo com algum esforço terminar a frase.
Ele agradeceu, disse que se sentia realmente bem, que estava fazendo outro tratamento, que lhe tinham apresentado uma coisa nova e espetacular. Alguma coisa com cogumelos plantados por um japonês que morava no Paraná ou quem sabe uma dieta macrobiótica, pois enquanto ele falava, ela reparava que sua cesta de compras era composta de um pé de alface-chinesa, duas garrafinhas de água, cenouras, pacotes de cores duvidosas que deveriam ser raízes, fibras ou qualquer uma dessas coisas cujo gosto não adivinharia. Agora, ele contava sobre uma viagem para consultar com alguém importante, mas ela escutava sem entender, fugindo, o olhar fixo em seu próprio carrinho, onde viajavam latas de molho pronto, uma pizza congelada que lhe serviria de janta, refrigerantes, geleias, requeijão, tudo com um selo de baixas calorias e alto grau de conservantes.
Tentou lembrar quando tinha resolvido que não poderiam compartilhar as mesmas compras. Lembrança antiga que, para alcançar, precisou passar pelos olhos dele. Não esses olhos que agora guardavam brilho aquecido pelo encontro, mas os olhos que congelaram como se fossem pólos Norte e Sul na noite em que ela comunicou que estava tudo terminado. Na memória, espanou os lábios cerrados que nada disseram, tão diferentes desses que agora lhe derramavam elogios, carinhos como o do caldo da laranja que lhe tinha aquecido o pensamento. Precisou livrar do mofo o telefonema do mês seguinte, quando ele lhe contara que fizera alguns exames, que ela não entrasse em pânico ou desespero ou nada mais, que aquilo não era uma chantagem, pois ele nem tinha mais idade ou paciência para chantagens, mas que depois de quase seis anos juntos talvez lhe coubesse saber que ele tinha um câncer.
he looked at her. tree done, these very old trees, the roots stay in the soil generous than it should for food. she did not know if he still held passion raged in awe of that meeting, or if his skin that was withered so quickly, warning her that depressions between the eyes meet, who knows streams, was unaware.
approached moved by the inevitability of those situations where one has to walk toward each other, avoiding - and painful is to avoid - the look he dared, he came to planting. murmured his name more to convince themselves than to call it as he threatened smile. in fact, he did, showing his teeth were the same,where a slightly yellowish met up with the other, but his lips seemed thinner and wrinkles around, most marked.
leafy, he wrapped her shoulders, the smell of men's cologne savage competing with the sweet air of overripe fruit. contained, as if out of a pruning, let it embrace your fingers trying to pull almost nothing on their backs,as if the fabric of the shirt was made of blue strongest of all adhesives. heard him speak it was great to see her and she was beautiful. replied that he was also very good and at that time, repented, and managed with some effort to finish the sentence.
thanked him, said he felt really good, I was doing another treatment,that had brought something new and spectacular. something with mushrooms planted by a Japanese who lived in Parana or perhaps a macrobiotic diet, because as he spoke, she noticed that her shopping cart was composed of a head of lettuce, Chinese, two water bottles, carrots, packages colors that should be dubious roots,fibers or any of those things whose taste not guess. Now, he told about a trip to consult with someone important, but she listened without understanding, fleeing, staring at his own cart, which traveled sauce cans ready, a frozen pizza to serve as the dinner, soft drinks, jellies, curd ,everything with a seal of low calorie and high-grade preservatives.
tried to remember when he had decided that they could not share the same purchases. old memory that to achieve, had to go through his eyes. not these eyes now glow kept warm by the encounter,but the eyes that froze as if north and south poles on the night she announced that it was over. in memory, dusted lips clenched who said nothing, so different from those which now poured praise you, as the caresses of orange juice that had warmed the thought. needed to get rid of the mold of the month following the call,when he told her he had done some tests, she did not panic or despair or anything else, that it was not blackmail, since he had neither older or patience to blackmail, but after nearly six years together maybe you fit know that he had cancer.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..

He already looked. Made of very old trees, tree, the roots stay in the soil that was generous of food. She didn't know if the passion that he still held recrudescia in amazement that meeting, or if his skin was that murchava so quickly, telling her that among the eyes would find depressions, perhaps unaware that streams.
He moved by the inevitability of these situations, where one has to walk towards each other, avoiding — and painful is the avoid — the look that he, daring, was to plant. Muttered his name more to persuade than to call him while he threatened to smile. In fact, he did, showing that your teeth remained the same, slightly yellowish where one was, but his lips seemed thinner and the wrinkles around, more pronounced.
Leafy, it involved by the shoulders, the wild smell of men's Cologne competing with the sweet fruit air. Contained, as if it had come out of a pruning, embrace, fingers trying to pull almost nothing on his back, as if the fabric of the blue shirt was made of the strongest of all colas. Heard the talk that it was great to see her and that she looked beautiful. Replied that he was fine and, at that moment, repented, and with some effort to finish the sentence.
He thanked, said he felt really well, which I was doing another treatment, that you had brought something new and spectacular. Something with mushrooms planted by a Japanese who lived in Paraná or maybe a Macrobiotic Diet, because while he spoke, she noticed that his basket was composed of a Chinese lettuce, two bottles of water, carrots, packages of dubious colors that should be roots, fibres or any of those things whose taste would guess not. Now, he said on a trip to consult with someone important, but she listened without understanding, fleeing, stare at their own stand, where traveling cans of sauce ready, a frozen pizza that you would serve as dinner, soft drinks, fruit jellies, curd, all with a low calorie and high degree of preservatives.
tried to remember when he was resolved that they could not share the same purchases. Reminder that, to achieve, had to pass through his eyes. Not these eyes that now guarded, heated by glow but the eyes that froze as if they were North and South poles on the night she announced that everything was finished. In memory, dusted the clenched lips that nothing said, so different from those that now you drew praise, affection as the orange juice that he had heated the thought. Had to get rid of the mold the call from next month When he told him he had made some tests, that she would not panic or despair or anything else, that it was not a blackmail, because he either had more age or patience for blackmail, but that after almost six years together maybe you fit to know that he had a cancer.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..