Запустить Altium Designer и подсунуть любую из 10-ти лицензий Altium 14 … Standalone.alf из папки Licenses В папке так же лежат две лицензии (каждая на 100 пользователей) для основного и резервного серверов лицензий.
Start the Altium Designer and shove any of 10-minute licenses Altium 14 ... Standalone.alffrom a folder LicensesIn the same folder are two licenses (each at 100 users) for both the primary and backuplicense servers.
Start Altium Designer and shove any of the 10 licenses Altium 14 ... Standalone.alf folder Licenses In the folder are also two licenses (each 100 users) for the primary and backup license server.
run Altium designer and drop any of 10 licensesAltium Standalone.alf 14...from folderlicensesin the file that is based on two licenses (every 100 users) for the primary and back-upserver licenses.