born march 1, 1994, in ontario,canada,justin bieber was raised by a si Tradução - born march 1, 1994, in ontario,canada,justin bieber was raised by a si Português como dizer

born march 1, 1994, in ontario,cana

born march 1, 1994, in ontario,canada,justin bieber was raised by a single mom i the small town of strantford.Bieber,whose debut album my world hit stores in november 2009,is a true overnight success,having gone from an unknown,untrained singer whose mother posted youtube clips of her boy performing,to a budding superstar with a big-time record deal,all in just two years.
Bieber always had in interest in music.His mother gave him a drum kit for his second birthday and, as he tells it, he was 'basically banging on everything i could get my hands on.'
But is was an obscure talent contest in his hometown, in which 12-years-old Bieber finished second that put him on the road to superstardom.As a way to share his singing with family,Justin and his mom began posting clips of Bieber performing covers of Stevie Wonder,Michael Jackson, and Ne-Yo on youtube.
within months,Justin was an internet sensation, with a large following of fans,and an eager manager arraging for the teenager to fly to Atlanta to consider a record deal.
There,Bieber had a chance meeting with Usher, who eventually signed the young singer to a contract.
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Resultados (Português) 1: [Cópia de]
born march 1, 1994, in ontario,canada,justin bieber was raised by a single mom i the small town of strantford.Bieber,whose debut album my world hit stores in november 2009,is a true overnight success,having gone from an unknown,untrained singer whose mother posted youtube clips of her boy performing,to a budding superstar with a big-time record deal,all in just two years. Bieber always had in interest in music.His mother gave him a drum kit for his second birthday and, as he tells it, he was 'basically banging on everything i could get my hands on.' But is was an obscure talent contest in his hometown, in which 12-years-old Bieber finished second that put him on the road to superstardom.As a way to share his singing with family,Justin and his mom began posting clips of Bieber performing covers of Stevie Wonder,Michael Jackson, and Ne-Yo on youtube. within months,Justin was an internet sensation, with a large following of fans,and an eager manager arraging for the teenager to fly to Atlanta to consider a record deal.There,Bieber had a chance meeting with Usher, who eventually signed the young singer to a contract.
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Resultados (Português) 2:[Cópia de]
nasceu primeiro de março de 1994, em Ontário, Canadá, Justin Bieber foi criado por uma mãe solteira i pequena cidade de strantford.Bieber, cujo álbum de estréia meu mundo chegou às lojas em novembro de 2009, é um verdadeiro sucesso durante a noite, tendo passado de um desconhecido , cantor destreinado cuja mãe postou vídeos do YouTube de seu menino que executa, para uma super-estrela de brotamento com uma gravadora grande-tempo, tudo em apenas dois anos.
Bieber sempre teve em interesse em music.His mãe deu-lhe um kit de bateria para o seu segundo aniversário e, como ele diz, ele estava "batendo basicamente em tudo o que eu poderia chegar em minhas mãos."
Mas é foi um concurso de talentos obscuro em sua cidade natal, em que 12 anos de idade Bieber terminou em segundo lugar que o colocou no caminho para superstardom.As uma maneira de compartilhar o seu canto com a família, Justin e sua mãe começou a postar clipes de Bieber realizando covers de Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, e Ne-Yo no youtube.
Em poucos meses, Justin foi uma sensação na internet, com um grande número de seguidores de fãs, e um gerente ansioso arraging para o adolescente para voar para Atlanta a considerar um contrato de gravação.
Lá, Bieber teve um encontro casual com Usher, que finalmente assinou o jovem cantor a um contrato.
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