100 Reasons Why I Love You 1-Your loyalty to me and everyone or everything that matters to you2-Your compassion for everyone around you3-Your selflessness4-Your integrity5-Your strength6-Your devotion7-How you are always 100% honest no matter what8-Your kindness9-The way you always try to help others10-How you always stand up for what you believe in11-Your generosity12-Your confidence13-The way that you always look for and find the positive in everything14-Your optimism15-The fact that you know exactly where you are going in life and will do whatever it takes to get there16-Your courage even in the face of adversity17-Your boldness18-Your gentleness with me19-How you are always understanding with me even when I don’t deserve it20- How much you and I share in common together about everything21-How you always can make me laugh or smile even at times when I don’t want to22-Your zaniness23-The fact that you refuse to ever completely grow up24-Your crazy voices, sounds, and imitations25-How you are always kind to animals26-The fact that you aren’t afraid to cry27-How you always help me when I need or ask you to and sometimes even when I don’t ask28-How you are always concerned about me and my well-being29-The way you hold me30-The way you liven up a room just by being in it31-How much you’ve taught me about life and myself32-Your intelligence33-The fact that you are good at fixing things or putting things together by hand34-Your zest for life35-Your electronic and technology savvy36-Your excellent people skills37-Your amazing voice38-Your awesome hair39-Your craziness40-Your incredible baby blue eyes41-Your strong hands42-Your love of life43-Your uncompromising belief in God, family, and country44-The fact that you would make the best father anyone could ever ask for or hope to have45-The way you walk46-The way you talk47-Your wackiness48-The fact that there is nobody else in the world like you and nobody will ever come close49-Your vast knowledge about everything50-How you are always good at everything51-The annoying fact that you are right 90+% of the time52-The amazing new experiences that I’ve shared for the first time with you and only you53-The way you make me feel about myself54-How you always tell me and show me everyday how much you love me55-How you don’t mind holding my hand or showing me affection even in public56-How you sometimes give up things you’ve wanted just for my benefit57-The way you kiss me and touch me58-The fact that you were willing to take a chance on me59-The way you always encourage and believe in me60-Your faithfulness61-Your true sense of honor62-The fact that you know how to be a real man63-The sweet gifts you’ve given to me64-The heart-touching things you’ve written for me65-The way you’ve opened up your heart and life to me66-The fact that I learn new amazing things about you everyday67-o caminho que você olha para mim, que me faz derreter dentro68-o amor que você sempre me mostrou69-o jeito que você sempre diz coisas incríveis sobre mim para outras pessoas70-como muita excitação que você traz para minha vida todos os dias71-como você sempre traz o melhor de mim72-como você nunca leve a vida garantida73-o jeito que você sempre me inspira74-o fato de que você é o máximo de um sonhador como eu75-o fato de que você é sem dúvida a minha alma gémea76-a maneira que você sabe como não levar vida muito a sério e ao vivo para o momento77-o fato de que você é a primeira e única pessoa que amei e a primeira pessoa que realmente me amava.78-como perdoar que você está79-como você não tem medo de ser um tomador de risco80-seu incrível grande coração81-como você sabe sempre o que dizer e como dizer em qualquer situação82-como você sempre de portas abertas para mim, me ajudar com as compras e tirar o lixo para mim83-como sempre tenta assustar-me e os cães quando menos esperamos84-o fato de saber que você vai ser um dos homens mais bem-sucedidos do mundo um dia porque ninguém merece mais do que você85-a forma incrível que você sempre parece ser capaz de ler a minha mente86-como sempre ainda dizemos ou fazemos a mesma coisa ao mesmo tempo87-sua extrema paciência comigo mesmo quando eu empurre-o para o limite às vezesCarisma e 88-seu encantoSabedoria e sagacidade 89-ur90-como você sempre me conforta ou me dar um ombro para chorar quando precisar91-How I know you’ll always be here for me through good times and bad no matter what92-The extraordinary amazing things that always happen to us that never happen to anyone else93-The fact that I know you are my real true soul mate and we were destined to be together94-How awesome you have been to my mom and dad and even my pets and how they all love you so much too95-How cute and adorable you can be96-Your determination and conviction and how once you set your mind on something that nobody can change it97-Your incredible dream
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