The causes of Generation-generation vampires were many and varied in the old popular traditions. In Slavic folklore and Chinese, any body that was affected by an animal, particularly a dog or cat, it was feared that if it had been a undead. A body with a wound that had not been treated with boiling water would be also at risk. In Russian folklore, It was said that vampires were once Warlocks or people who revolted against the Russian Orthodox Church when were still alive.
cultural practices often Arose that had intended to prevent that the recently deceased loved one become an undead. Bury a body upside down was something widespread, as well as the placement of land objects, comogadanhas or sickles, near the grave, in order to satisfy any demon that entered the body, or to appease the dead so that they do not want to get up from the Tomb. This method is similar to the practice of Ancient Greece to put a coin in the mouth of the bodies, to pay the freight of the VAT deCaronte in crossing the Styx in the underworld; It has been argued that the currency would not have this purpose, but to put on guard any evil spirit who tried to enter the body, and this may have influenced later vampire traditions. This tradition persisted in modern Greek folklore of the Greek vrykolakas, in which a wax Cross and a clay shard with the inscription "Jesus Christ conquers" were placed in the body in order to prevent this becoming a vampire.Other methods commonly practiced in Europe included cutting the tendons of the legs or put depapoila seeds, millet, or sand on the floor near the grave of a supposed vampire; This was intended to keep the vampire occupied all night counting beans, indicating an association between vampirism and arithmomania. Similar Chinese narratives state that if a vampire is a rice bag, feels compelled to count every grain; This theme can be found also in the myths of the Indian subcontinent, as well as in South American legends of witchcraft and other species of spirits or evil beings or.
In Albanian folklore, the dhampir is the son of karkanxholl or lugat. If the karkanxholl sleeps with his wife, and this is pregnant, the generation is called dhampir and has the unique quality of being able to identify the karkanxholl; Hence derives the expression the dhampir knows lugat. The lugat is not visible, and can only be killed by the dhampir, which itself is usually the son of lugat. In several regions, animals can come back to this world as lugats; and, likewise, living people during sleep. Dhampiraj is an Albanian surname.
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