- cst comenta que ya desactivo FMI en su iPhone - y en nuestro sistema no deja realizarle el CAR - verifique en la pagina de activation lock y esta ON - se le verifico el numero de serie y por eso daba error - se le realiza CAR
-cst says that already turn off IMF in your iPhone- and our system does make the CAR-check in the page activation lock and ON-check you the serial number and therefore gave error-are you made CAR
- Cst he says and disable IMF on your iPhone - and our system does not Give you the CAR - check the page activation lock and the ON - will verify the serial number and so was wrong - it is performed CAR
- CST says IMF already deactivated in your iPhone- and our system does not make the car- check the lock on this page and Activation- you checked the serial number and therefore gave error- You made car