cst indica que desde que actualizo al Sierra el Mac esta sumamente len Tradução - cst indica que desde que actualizo al Sierra el Mac esta sumamente len Inglês como dizer

cst indica que desde que actualizo

cst indica que desde que actualizo al Sierra el Mac esta sumamente lento

se realiza un smc y un vpram

se explica al cst que el cambio de yosemite a sierra genera un cambio en las aplicaciones que demoran por poco tiempo en la adaptación de la data como la aplicacion fotos que realiza el ajuste necesario para poder trabajar con la función de caras

cst va a esperar un dia mas para confirmar si ya tiene todo en orden

no va a apagar el equipo
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST indicates that since the upgrade to the Mac saw is extremely slowis a smc and a vpramexplained to the cst that yosemite Sierra change generates a change in applications that delay for a short time in the adaptation of the data as the application photos making the setting needed to work with the function of facesCST will wait a day more to confirm if you have everything in orderwill not turn off the computer
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst indicates that since update to Sierra Mac is extremely slow

one smc is made and a vpram

explained to cst that changing yosemite sierra generates a change in applications delayed for a short time in the adaptation of the data as photos application which performs the necessary to work with the function of adjusting faces

cst will wait one more day to confirm if you already have everything in order

not going to shut down the computer
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
CST indicates that since the Sierra updated Mac is very slowPerforming a SCM and a vpramThe CST explains that the change of Yosemite Sierra generates a change in the Applications are for a short time in the adaptation of the data as the photos application that performs the necessary Adjustment to work with the role of FacesCST will wait one more day to confirm whether you have everything in orderWill not turn off the computer
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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