dear john,
oh my god, that sounds so weird, is not it? I think when we write to our favorite author, we should write everything right, the best spelling, but not when the "favorite author" is you. do not you write poorly, ever, but that none of his characters are perfect, they all have flaws, reality show and I'm real,I do not need you to pretend. I know it is nothing interesting, but I'm feeling the hazel peter van houten writing for, only if you're not an asshole (hopefully not). I'm brazilian, so forgive me for the bad english, public schools here do not give us a good foreign language teaching, but I'm struggling.I only had access to "is to blame the stars" because I won Christmas, his other books I could not buy yet, and I think I read in pdf is super unfair to you ... I am completely in love with Augustus, was the most unjust death I have witnessed, I cried more for this fictional loss than for actual losses, I tried to be a better friend to hazel that time,but like her I was too upset.
sendo traduzido, aguarde..