cst indica es el padre del dueño de la cuenta cst que no tiene las pre Tradução - cst indica es el padre del dueño de la cuenta cst que no tiene las pre Inglês como dizer

cst indica es el padre del dueño de

cst indica es el padre del dueño de la cuenta
cst que no tiene las preguntas de seguridad y la tarjeta de red no esta asociada

cst no tiene acceso a la factura de compra

se programa llamada al numero de la persona que creo el appleid que es la hermana, el joven dueçno del appleid no fue quien la creo y no tiene acceso al correo por falta de uso

el cst esta muy urgido en poner el iphone en funcionamiento

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST indicates is the father of the owner of the account CST which has no security questions and not this associated network cardCST has no access to the purchase invoice is scheduled call to the number of the person who I think the appleid that is the sister, the young duecno of the appleid was not who it think and does not have access to e-mail for lack of usethe cst is very needed in the iphone to operate
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst indicates is the father of the owner of the account
cst not have security questions and the network card is not associated

cst not have access to the invoice

is programmed call number of the person who created the AppleID that is the sister, the young dueçno the AppleID was not who believe and do not have access to e for lack of use

the cst this very urged to put the iphone in operation

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
CST suggests is the Father of the owner of the accountCST has no security questions and the network card is not associatedCST has no access to the purchase InvoiceIs called the number of the person who created the AppleID's Sister, The Young man was not the dueçno AppleID who think and have no access to email through lack of useThe CST is very eager to put the iPhone in operation
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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