cst desea desactivar fuicst ha entregado un tlf, al intentar eliminarl Tradução - cst desea desactivar fuicst ha entregado un tlf, al intentar eliminarl Inglês como dizer

cst desea desactivar fuicst ha entr

cst desea desactivar fui

cst ha entregado un tlf, al intentar eliminarlo de la cuenta le dio borrar y lo entrego de esa manera al nuevo dueño
se explica que debemos eliminarlo de la cuenta y se explica como hacerlo
se realiza con éxito y se le indica que debe contactar al nuevo dueño y debe restaurar el tif como nuevo para poder trabajar con el
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
CST wishes to disable wentCST has delivered a tlf, to the attempt to remove it of it has you gave delete and it give of that way to the new ownerexplains that we must remove it from the account and explains how to do itis performed with success and are you indicates that should contact to the new owner and must restore the tif as new for to work with the
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst want to disable went

cst has delivered a tlf, when trying to remove it from the bill gave clear and handed it that way the new owner
explained that we remove it from the bill and explains how to do
is successful and indicates that You should contact the new owner and must restore the tif as new to work with
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
I want to disable CSTTSA has delivered a tlf, trying to remove the Account He gave clear and delivered to the new owner.It explains that we should delete the account and explains how to do itIs successful and it indicates you should contact the new owner, and must restore the Power again to work with the
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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