cst no logra finalizar el proceso, cst solicita ir a una tienda autorizada para saber si le pueden guiar directamente se le suministra el numero de tienda autorizada y se le explica que si se encuentra frente a un ordenador podemos de igual forma ayudarlo en linea
CST fails to complete the process, cst requested to go to a shop authorized to know if they can guide you directlyIt provides the number of authorized shop and explained you that if you are on a computer we can similarly help you online
cst fails to complete the process, cst requests go to an authorized store to know if they can directly guide is supplied with the number of authorized retail store and explains that if you are in front of a computer can equally help online
CST fails to complete the process, CST requests go to a licensed shop to see if it can directly GuideGiven the number of Licensed shop and tells him that if he is in front of a computer, we can similarly help online