ArtesNas artes o país também não deixa de ser plural. As artes cênicas Tradução - ArtesNas artes o país também não deixa de ser plural. As artes cênicas Inglês como dizer

ArtesNas artes o país também não de


Nas artes o país também não deixa de ser plural. As artes cênicas envolvem algumas das expressões artísticas mais populares do país: o teatro, o circo e a dança. Os primeiros contatos do Brasil com o teatro aconteceram no século XVI, com o padre José de Anchieta, que utilizou a arte para catequizar os índios. Nos séculos seguintes, se diversificou com a introdução de peças trazidas da Espanha e Portugal e a construção de grandes teatros, até os dias atuais com grandes superproduções internacionais que desembarcam aqui a todo o momento.

A dança brasileira tem origens diversas e recebe influências de outros países, principalmente africanas, mouriscas, européias e indígenas. São diferentes em cada região do país e entre as mais conhecidas estão: o samba, o maxixe, o xaxado, o baião, o frevo e a gafieira. Existem ainda as danças folclóricas e tradicionais como forró, axé entre outras.

São consideradas artes visuais pintura, desenho, gravura, fotografia e cinema, além da escultura, instalação, arquitetura, moda, decoração e paisagismo. Muitas delas estão impressas no artesanato brasileiro que, em cada região possui uma característica típica. Nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, sobretudos nos Estados de Santa Catarina e Minas Gerais, produtos feitos com folha de bananeira, assim como panelas, potes, moringas e jarras em cerâmicas são destaque. Minas Gerais também se destaca pelos tapetes e colchas feitos em tear manual, peças produzidas em estanho e pedras decorativas talhadas dos mais diversos tipos de minério.

Na região Centro-Oeste, o foco também está no bordado e nas atividades relacionadas à madeira, barro, tapeçaria e trabalhos com frutas e sementes. Animais de porcelana e moringas de barro são muito comuns em Goiás e no Mato Grosso. Além do artesanato relacionado ao barro e à madeira, o Nordeste se destaca pela famosa renda de bilro, no Ceará. Todas as técnicas de produção em fibras de algodão são herança da colonização portuguesa e são conservadas até hoje. Cabe mencionar a participação relevante dos trançados de palha, cestarias feitas com trançados de carnaúba, bambu e cipó.

Assim como nas outras regiões, o bordado também é muito popular na região Norte. Mas a influência indígena faz da cerâmica uma das produções mais presentes na região. Existem duas vertentes de inspiração para os artesãos: a marajoara e a tapajônica, que são estilos genuinamente indígenas, com técnicas e formas milenares. Jóias feitas de sementes e metais preciosos também são típicas do Amazonas. As atividades relacionadas à madeira e metal também são comuns.

Nas artes plásticas destaca-se a Semana de 22, realizada por artistas modernistas como Anita Malfatti e Tarsila do Amaral. Após esse período pode-se citar Di Cavalcante e Portinari, e, mais recentemente, Romero Britto, entre os artistas de expressividade internacional.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
ArtsIn the arts the country it's still plural. The performing arts involve some of the country's most popular artistic expressions: the theatre, circus and dance. The first contacts of Brazil with the theatre took place in the 16th century, with father José de Anchieta, who used art to catechize the Indians. In the following centuries, has diversified with the introduction of parts brought from Spain and Portugal and the construction of large theaters, to the present day with great international blockbusters landing here at all times.The brazilian dance has various origins and receives influences from other countries, mostly African, European and indigenous Moorish. Are different in each region of the country and among the best known are: samba, maxixe, xaxado, baião, frevo and Samba de gafieira. There are still folk dances and traditional forró, axé and others.Are considered Visual arts painting, drawing, engraving, photography and film, in addition to the sculpture, installation, architecture, fashion, interior design and landscaping. Many of them are printed in the Brazilian handicrafts in each region has a typical feature. In the South and Southeast, particularly in the States of Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais, products made with banana leaf, as well as pots, pots, vases and ceramic moringas are highlighted. Minas Gerais also stands out by rugs and quilts made in hand loom, parts produced in Tin and decorative carved stones of different types of ore.In the Midwest, the focus is also on embroidery and in activities related to wood, clay, Tapestry and works with fruit and seeds. Porcelain animals and moringas stools are very common in Goiás and Mato Grosso. In addition to the crafts related to clay and wood, the Northeast stands out for its famous bobbin lace, lace in Ceará. All the production techniques in cotton fibers are of Portuguese colonization and heritage are preserved until today. It should be mentioned the participation of straw braids, there are baskets made with carnauba braids, bamboo and vine.As in other regions, the embroidery is also very popular in the North. But the Indian influence makes of ceramics one of the productions more present in the region. There are two strands of inspiration for artisans: the marajoara and tapajônica, which are genuinely indigenous styles with ancient techniques and forms. Jewelry made of precious metals and seeds are also typical of the Amazon. Activities related to wood and metal are also common.In the plastic arts is the Week of 22, held by modernist artists as Anita Malfatti and Tarsila do Amaral. After this period one can cite Di Cavalcante and Portinari, and, more recently, Romero Britto, among the artists of international expression.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
ArtsIn the arts, the country also it is plural. The performing arts are some of the most popular artistic expressions of the country: the theatre, circus and dance. The first contacts of Brazil with the theater happened in the 16th century, with father Joseph anchieta, which used the art to catechize the Indians. In the following centuries, diversified with the introduction of pieces brought from Spain and Portugal, and the construction of large theatres, to the present day with major international major productions which landed here all the time.The Brazilian dance has various origins and receives influences from other countries, especially African, Arab, European and indigenous people. They are different in each region of the country and among the most well-known are: Samba, maxixe, xaxado, Bai ã o, rhythm and dance halls. There are also folk dances and traditional forr ó, ax é, among others.They are considered as visual arts painting, drawing, printmaking, photography and film, in addition to the sculpture, installation, architecture, fashion, decoration and landscaping. Many of them are printed in the Brazilian handcrafts, each region has a typical characteristic. In the South and southeast regions, mainly in the states of Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais, products made with banana leaf, as well as pots, pots, moringas and jars in ceramics are highlighted. Minas Gerais also stands out by the rugs and quilts made in manual loom, parts produced in tin and decorative rocks made of various types of ore.In the mid west region, the focus is also on the embroidery and in activities related to the wood, clay, tapestry and work with fruits and seeds. Animals and moringas porcelain clay are very common in Goias and Mato Grosso. In addition to the crafts related to clay and wood, the Northeast stands out by the famous income of Whitey, in CEAR á. All the techniques of production in cotton fibres are the legacy of Portuguese colonization, and are preserved until today. It is worth mentioning the relevant role of twisted straw baskets made of twisted carnauba, bamboo and vine.As in other regions, the embroidery is also very popular in the northern region. But the influence of the indigenous ceramic production in the region. There are two aspects of inspiration for the craftsmen: the local and the tapajonic are genuinely indigenous styles, techniques and forms for thousands of years. Jewelry made from seeds and precious metals are also typical of Amazon. The activities related to wood and metal are also common.In the visual arts is the week of 22 held by modernist artists as Anita malfatti and tarsila do Amaral. After this period, can quote di cavalcante and Portinari, and, more recently, Romero Britto, among the artists of international expressiveness.
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