- cst solo queria saber si el iPad esta en garantía - se le envia enlace https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/ - se le recomienda pedir factura si va a comprar el iPad en segunda mano
-cst only wanted to know if this iPad warranty-will you send URL https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/-We recommend that you order invoice if you buy the iPad on second hand
- Cst just wanted to know if the iPad is in warranty - link is sent https://checkcoverage.apple.com/es/es/ - you are encouraged to ask for invoice if you buy the iPad in second hand
- CST just wanted to know if the iPad is guarantee- He sends link is checkcoverage.apple.com https: / / / /- You are advised to ask for bill if you go to buy the iPad at second hand