Previsões otimistas. A operação Lava Jato vai ser um divisor de aguas  Tradução - Previsões otimistas. A operação Lava Jato vai ser um divisor de aguas  Inglês como dizer

Previsões otimistas. A operação Lav

Previsões otimistas. A operação Lava Jato vai ser um divisor de aguas na política brasileira onde as leis serão mais rígidas levando para a cadeia todos os políticos que forem flagrados em atos corruptos assim como aqueles que participaram.
Os professores serão mais valorizados, não como merecem, mas será bem melhor que atualmente.
As escolas públicas serão bem estruturadas preparando de maneira igual alunos da rede pública e particular.
A saúde pública vai receber finalmente o investimento que merece ao invés do descaso que é hoje.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Optimistic forecasts. The car wash operation will be a watershed in brazilian policy waters where the laws are more rigid leading to jail all the politicians who are caught in corrupt acts as well as those who participated.Teachers will be more valued, not as they deserve, but it will be better than today.The public schools will be well structured preparing equally students from public and private.Public health will receive the investment that finally deserves rather than neglect.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
Optimistic forecasts. Operation Lava Jet will be a watershed in Brazilian politics where the laws are stricter leading to jail all politicians are caught in corrupt acts as well as those who participated.
Teachers will be more valued, not as they deserve, but will much better than today.
public schools are well structured preparing equally students from public and private.
public health will finally get the investment it deserves instead of neglect it is today.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Optimistic forecasts. The operation will be a divisor wash jet water in Brazilian politics, where the laws are more stringent, leading to chain all the politicians are caught in corrupt acts as well as those who participated.Teachers will be more valued, not as they deserve, but it will be much better than today.The public schools will be well structured way of preparing students to the public network and private.Public health will finally receive the investment merits instead of neglect that it is today.
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