Ben vido!Estamos muito satisfeitos por ter decidido candidatar-se à AL Tradução - Ben vido!Estamos muito satisfeitos por ter decidido candidatar-se à AL Inglês como dizer

Ben vido!Estamos muito satisfeitos

Ben vido!
Estamos muito satisfeitos por ter decidido candidatar-se à ALU. O processo de candidatura à ALU é único e desafiador, mas também descobrirá que é divertido, perspicaz e estimulante. O nosso objetivo durante todo o processo de candidatura é conhecê-lo(a) melhor. Encorajamo-lo(a) a envolver-se plenamente na experiência e a dar o seu melhor! Lembre-se - esta é a sua oportunidade de interagir connosco.

O processo de candidatura à ALU é composto de duas partes. É recomendável que conclua primeiro a primeira parte e depois passe à segunda parte. No entanto, não é obrigatório fazê-lo.

PARTE 1: Formulário Geral de Candidatura, Recomendações e Informações Financeiras

O formulário geral de candidatura é um componente essencial do processo de candidatura. É a sua forma de nos falar sobre si, por isso é importante que lhe dispense o tempo que merece. Sugerimos que reserve algumas horas por dia para preencher o formulário.

Serão necessárias duas recomendações. Uma de um líder comunitário e uma de um educador. Por favor, certifique-se que insere os dados de contacto corretos e entra em contacto com aqueles que o recomendam para submeterem o formulário on-line. NOTA: SÓ SERÃO ACEITES FORMULÁRIOS ON-LINE

Finalmente, é necessário preencher o nosso formulário de informações financeiras. O formulário dá-lhe a oportunidade de nos dizer como pretende financiar a sua experiência ALU.

Rolar para baixo para começar candidatura parte 1 o clique "PARTE 2".

PARTE 2: Curso de Admissões On-line e Testes (Matemática e Língua Inglesa)

Curso de Admissões da ALU: O Curso de Admissões da ALU destina-se a avaliar a sua motivação e compromisso, bem como a sua capacidade de trabalhar de forma independente. Este curso também irá inspirar e prepará-lo para o seu papel como futuro líder no continente. Durante este curso, irá trabalhar tanto de forma independente como em sessões de discussão em grupo com outros potenciais estudantes de todo o continente!

Testes On-line de Matemática e Inglês: O teste on-line é composto por um teste de Matemática e Língua Inglesa. Estes testes irão avaliar as suas competências básicas de leitura, interpretação e cálculo. Não é necessário nenhum estudo ou preparação.​

Para começar candidatura parte 2, clique "PARTE 2".

Quanto mais cedo se candidatar, mais cedo vai saber qual a decisão em relação à sua candidatura. Cada um dos prazos de candidatura tem a sua própria data de notificação, na qual os candidatos podem descobrir a decisão em relação a sua candidatura. Isto significa que se se candidatar ao prazo 1, receberá a sua decisão de admissão mais cedo do que se se candidatar ao prazo 2. A escolha é sua. Veja as datas abaixo.

Prazo Limite da Candidatura Ofertas de admissões enviadas
Prazo 1 7 de abril 30 de abril
Prazo 2 30 de abril 21 de maio
Prazo 3 21 de maio 15 de junho
Prazo 4 15 de junho 7 de julho
Candidatos ao programa de imersão na língua inglesa
Os candidatos para quem o inglês não é a primeira língua e, especialmente, quando nunca tenham tirado cursos em inglês, deverão participar no programa de imersão na língua inglesa (EI), que começa a 26 de junho de 2016. O prazo de inscrição para estes candidatos pode ser encontrado no quadro abaixo. Por favor clique aqui para saber mais sobre o programa EI, e se terá ou não que participar.

Prazo Limite da Candidatura Ofertas de admissões enviadas
Prazo final para os candidatos do programa de imersão na língua inglesa 30 de abril 21 de maio


Os procedimentos que se seguem irão fornecer-lhe acesso a cada passo do processo de candidatura.
Financiando sua Educação (Step 12)

Incentivamos-vos, futuros estudantes da ALU, a assumirem o domínio do financiamento da vossa educação avaliando proativamente as oportunidades financeiras à vossa disposição. Por favor, preencham o breve formulário abaixo para que saibamos como é que pretendem financiar a vossa experiência da ALU.

Task Deadline Status Actions
Financing Your Education
Additional Attachments

Add Document
Withdraw Application
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Ben came!We are very pleased to have decided to apply to the ALU. The application process to the ALU is unique and challenging, but also you'll find that it's fun, insightful and thought-provoking. Our goal throughout the application process is to know you better. We encourage you to engage fully in the experience and give your best! Remember-this is your opportunity to interact with us.THE APPLICATION PROCESS TO THE ALUThe application process to the ALU consists of two parts. It is recommended that complete first the first part and then the second part. However, it is not mandatory to do so. PART 1: General Application Form, Financial Information and recommendationsThe general application form is an essential component of the application process. Is your way of talking about themselves, so it's important that you cut the time it deserves. We suggest that you reserve a few hours a day to fill out the form. Two recommendations are required. January 1 and january 1 educator community leader. Please make sure you enter the correct contact information and get in touch with those who recommend to submit the form online. NOTE: WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ONLINE FORMS Finally, it is necessary to fill out our information form. The form gives you the opportunity to tell us how you intend to finance your experience ALU. Scroll down to start application Part 1 click "PART 2".PART 1» PART 2: online Admissions and tests (math and English Language)ALU admissions course: the course of admissions of the ALU is intended to assess their motivation and commitment, as well as their ability to work independently. This course will also inspire and prepare him for his role as future leader on the continent. During this course, you will work independently as in group discussion sessions with other potential students from all over the continent. Online tests of mathematics and English: the online exam consists of a test of math and English. These tests will evaluate the basic skills of reading, interpretation and calculation. Does not require any study or preparation.To start application Part 2, click "PART 2".PART 2»​DEADLINE OF APPLICATIONThe sooner you apply, the sooner we will know what the decision regarding your application. Each of the application deadlines has its own date of notification, in which candidates may find the decision about his candidacy. This means that if we apply the term 1, will receive your admission decision earlier than if you apply for term 2. The choice is yours. See dates below. The application deadline admissions Offers submittedDeadline April 1 7 April 30Deadline April 21 May 2:303 21 May deadline June 15Deadline June 4:15 July 7 Candidates for the English language immersion programApplicants for whom English is not their first language and, particularly, when you never have taken courses in English, should participate in the English language immersion program (EI), which starts the 26 June 2016. The application deadline for these candidates can be found in the table below. Please click here to learn more about the program and whether or not to participate. The application deadline admissions Offers submittedDeadline for applicants from English-language immersion program April 30 May 21 START PART 1:The procedures that follow will provide you access to every step of the application process. Financing your education (Step 12)We encourage you, prospective students of ALU, taking your education financing proactively evaluating the financial opportunities available. Please fill out the brief form below to let us know how you intend to finance your experience of the ALU.Task Deadline Status ActionsFinancing Your Education--INCOMPLETE StartAdditional AttachmentsAdd DocumentWithdraw Application
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]

Ben vido!
We are very pleased to have decided to apply for the ALU. The application process to the ALU is unique and challenging, but also find it's fun, insightful and stimulating. Our goal throughout the application process is to know it (a) better. I encourage you (a) to engage fully in the experience and to give your best! Remember - this is your chance to interact with us. THE APPLICATION TO ALU The application process to the ALU is composed of two parts. It is recommended that you first complete the first part and then pass to the second part. However, it is not required to do so. Part 1: General Application Form, Recommendations and Financial Information The general application form is an essential component of the application process. It is their way to tell us about themselves, so it is important that you dispense the time it deserves. We suggest you book a few hours a day to complete the form. It will take two recommendations. A community leader and an educator. Please make sure to insert the correct contact details and comes into contact with those who recommend to submit the online form. NOTE: ONLY BE ACCEPTED FORMS ON-LINE Finally, you must fill in our form of financial information. The form gives you the opportunity to tell us how you want to fund your ALU experience. Scroll down to begin application part 1 click "PART 2". PART 1 " PART 2: Admissions Online Course and tests (Mathematics and English language) Admissions Course ALU: ALU the Admissions Course is designed to assess your motivation and commitment as well as their ability to work independently. This course will also inspire and prepare you for your role as a future leader in the continent. During this course, will work both independently and in group discussion sessions with other potential students from all over the continent! Online Math and English tests: The online test consists of a Mathematics and English Language Test . These tests will assess their basic skills of reading, interpretation and calculation. No study or preparation is necessary. To start application Part 2, click "PART 2". PART 2 ' TERM APPLICATION OF LIMIT The sooner you apply, the sooner you will know the decision regarding your application. Each application deadlines has its own date of notification, in which the candidates can find out the decision on your application. This means that if you apply for term 1, you will receive your admission decision earlier that apply to the deadline 2. The choice is yours. See the dates below. Deadline of Application Offers sent admissions period 1 April 7th 30 of April Term 2 April 30 May 21 Deadline 3 May 21 June 15 deadline 4 June 15 July 7 Candidates for the immersion program English language candidates for whom English is not their first language, and especially when they have never taken courses in English, should participate in the immersion program in English (EI), which starts on 26 June 2016. the deadline registration for these candidates can be found in the table below. Please click here to learn more about the EI program, and whether it will have to participate. Deadline of Application Offers sent Admissions Deadline for candidates immersion program in English 30 April 21 to May START PART 1: the following procedures will provide you access to every step in the application process. funding your education (step 12) we encourage you, future students of ALU, to take the your education financing field evaluating proactively financial opportunities to your disposal. Please fill out the short form below to let us know how they intend to finance your experience ALU. Task Deadline Status Actions Financing Your Education - INCOMPLETE Start Additional Attachments Add Document Withdraw Application

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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Ben to come!We are very pleased to have decided to apply for the ALU. The application process to the ALU is unique and challenging, but also discover that is fun, insightful and stimulating. Our goal throughout the application process is to meet him (to be) better. We encourage you to become fully involved in the experience and give your best! Remember, this is your opportunity to interact with us.The application process to the ALUThe application process to the ALU is composed of two parts. It is recommended that concludes the first the first part and then pass on to the second part. However, it is not required to do so.Part 1: general form of application, recommendations and financial informationThe overall form of the application is an essential component of the application process. It is the way we talk about themselves, so it is important to give it the time it deserves. We suggest that reserve a few hours per day to fill in the form.Two recommendations are needed. One of a community leader and an educator. Please make sure to insert the contact data correct and comes into contact with those who recommend to submit the online form. Note: only be accepted forms onlineFinally, it is necessary to fill the form of financial information. The form gives you the opportunity to tell us how to finance your experience ALU.Scroll down to start the Application Part 1 click "part 2".Part 1 ".Part 2: course of admissions and online tests (maths and English)The course of admissions of Alu: the course of admissions of Alu is designed to assess their motivation and commitment, as well as the ability to work independently. This course will also inspire and prepare him for his role as a future leader in the continent. During this course, you will work both independently and in plenary discussion group with other potential students from all over the continent.On-line tests in English and math: the online exam is composed of a test of mathematics and the English language. These tests will assess their basic skills of reading, interpretation and calculation. It is not necessary to any study or preparação.​To start the Application Part 2, click "part 2".Part 2 "​The deadline of applicationThe sooner you apply, the sooner will know which decision in relation to its application. Each of the application deadlines has its own notification, in which candidates may find the decision on your application. This means that if you apply for the period 1, receive the decision of admission sooner than if you apply for the period 2. The choice is yours. Watch the dates below.Deadline of bid offers of admissions sentPeriod 1 April 7 April 30Period 2 April 30 May 21Period 3 May 21 June 15Period 4 June 15 July 7Candidates for the immersion program in EnglishApplicants for whom English is not the first language, and especially when they have never taken courses in English, should participate in the immersion program in English language (EI), which starts on June 26, 2016. The application deadline for these candidates can be found in the table below. Please click here to learn more about the program hey, and whether does not participate.Deadline of bid offers of admissions sentDeadline for candidates of the immersion program in the English language, April 30, May 21Start part 1:The following procedures will provide you with access to each step of the application process.To finance his education (step 12).We encourage you, future students of the ALU, taking the area of financing your education evaluating proactively financial opportunities available to you. Please fill out the form below for us to know how soon is to finance your experience of the ALU.The task deadline status actionsFinancing your education.- start - incomplete.Additional...Add documentRetirer application
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