moro em Canto do Buriti, uma cidade linda.existe um grande numero de pessoas que moram lá. A maioria na zona urbana. tem um centro comercial bem visitado. eu gosto de morar em canto do buriti.
Canto do Buriti, live in a beautiful city there is a large number of people who live there. Most in the urban area. have a well visited shopping centre. I like living in canto do buriti.
I live in Canto do Buriti, a city linda.existe a large number of people who live there. Most in the urban area. It has a shopping center and visited. I like to live in Buriti corner.
I live in the corner of the Buriti, a city linda.existe a large number of people who live there. The majority in the urban area. It has a shopping centre well visited. I like living in the corner of the Buriti.