cuentas de correo mail no activascst indica que ha activado el ordenad Tradução - cuentas de correo mail no activascst indica que ha activado el ordenad Inglês como dizer

cuentas de correo mail no activascs

cuentas de correo mail no activas

cst indica que ha activado el ordenador como nuevo y ha colocado su appleid con normalidad
y le han venido sus cuentas de correo en el mac nuevo igual que en el antiguo

en el otro ordenador ha eliminado las cuentas de correo y se han eliminado en ambos

cst indica que ha renombrado el usuario y un adviser le ha indicado que tiene problemas y que le recomendó reinstalar

se comparte pantalla y se crea nuevo usuario

no tiene cuentas en la aplicacion mail, se explica al cst que cada aplicacion mail de los ordenadores trabajan de manera individual

se consulta con t2
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
non-active mail email accountsCST indicates that you have activated your new computer and you have placed your appleid normallyand have come you their email accounts on the new mac just as in the oldon the other computer you have removed the email accounts and they have been removed in bothCST indicates that the user has renamed and an adviser has told that you have problems and that he recommended him to reinstall shared screen and create new usernot have accounts in the application mail, is explains to the cst that each application mail of them computers work of way individualconsultation with t2
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
accounts inactive mail mail

cst indicates that you have turned your computer like new and has placed his AppleID normally
and have come to their email accounts on the new mac as in the former

on the other computer has deleted mail accounts and were eliminated in both

cst indicates that it has renamed the user and an adviser has told you to have problems and recommended reinstalling

screen sharing and new user is created

not have accounts on the mail application, it explained to cst each application mail computers they work individually

consulted with t2
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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