cst continua con el mensaje de tener actualizaciones pendientesse soli Tradução - cst continua con el mensaje de tener actualizaciones pendientesse soli Inglês como dizer

cst continua con el mensaje de tene

cst continua con el mensaje de tener actualizaciones pendientes
se solicita al cst verificar la version de su tlf
se pide al cst restaurar los ajustes pero dice que no desea perder la configuración de su tif personal
el cst elimina la aplicación e indica que solo le aparece el botón rojo de actualización en aplicaciones
se instala la alicacio y toda queda normalmente
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Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
continuously CST with the message have pending updatesis requested the cst to verify the version of your phonerequests the cst restore settings but it says that you don't want to lose the settings on your personal tifthe cst removes the application and indicates that the red button of update appears only in applicationsthe alicacio is installed and all is normally
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
cst continues the message have pending updates
to cst requested verify version of your tlf
asks the cst restore settings but says he does not want to lose the configuration of your personal tif
the cst removes the application and indicates that only he appears red button applications update
the alicacio installed and all is normally
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
CST continues with the message of pending updatesRequests the CST to verify the version of TLFRequests the CST to restore settings but says he does not want to lose the configuration of your TIF staffThe CST eliminates the application and indicates that only appears on the red button to update applicationsInstalls the alicacio and is normally
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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